born and bred
Meyer's a Texan, born and bred.
David MacKinlay was a Lewisach born and bred, educated at Stornoway who made good in the outside world.
He had been born and bred on the river, but had never seen anything like it before.
He was a Cambridge man born and bred.
I must say this openly: d'Aubigny I liked immediately, a gentleman born and bred, a true courtier like myself.
I was born and bred and grew up in Rossendale Valley and left at the age of 27.
Mr Waigel is a Bavarian born and bred who has little love for Bonn but none at all for the former Prussian capital.
Mum Ann, east Belfast born and bred, is hoping her boy helps the Glens to victory.
They were an ordinary family, all born and bred locally, but their relationship with Alexander was both friendly and relaxed.