Meaning of BROKE in English



broke into a gallop (= begin to go very fast )

The horses broke into a gallop .

broke into a run

He was still following me, and in a panic I broke into a run .

broke into a trot (= started running slowly )

She broke into a trot and hurried on ahead of us.

dawn broke (= the first light of the day appeared )

When dawn broke , we were still 50 miles from Calcutta.

Fighting broke out

Fighting broke out in the crowds.

pandemonium broke out

When the verdict was read pandemonium broke out in the courtroom.

Scuffles broke out

Scuffles broke out between rival supporters during the match.


all hell broke loose

Debbie told him to shut up, he slapped her, and then all hell broke loose.

When a fan jumped onto the stage, all hell broke loose.

A sparrow hawk appeared - and all hell broke loose!

And then, all hell broke loose.

But then all hell broke loose, geologically speaking, as increasing numbers of sources for the rock were discovered.

Journalists woke him up in his bed with the news and, as I suspected, all hell broke loose.

Not at all bad considering that all hell broke loose in September and the City was rocked by events outside its control.

She started to strip off, all hell broke loose and he bolted while plain-clothes officers moved in to stage a cover-up.

What actually happened was that I was as drunk as anybody in the barracks the night all hell broke loose.

When the story was leaked to the press, all hell broke loose.

the man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo

II. adjective


"Can you lend me some money?" "Sorry, I'm broke ."

He turned up at my house yesterday, flat broke and hungry.

I can't go - I'm broke .

Lawrence was so broke he had to wear the same suit to work every day.

She just come back off holiday and she's completely broke .

We're always broke at the end of the month.


Bethlehem went broke a year later, but a reissue set appeared 20 years later.

If you removed the future earnings, Baker told jurors, O. J. Simpson is flat broke .

Naturally I am broke , or almost.

Tilden died broke , and shunned by many because of his conviction for homosexuality with underage partners.

Who spends his portion will be broke .

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