Meaning of BRONZED in English



Ashton was leaning, thick bronzed arms folded, against the edge of the doorway.

Consider the case of the stereotypical Californian - tall, fit, bronzed , driving carefree down the freeway.

Handsomely rugged, bronzed , not drawn into lines of exasperation but smiling - a kind, caring man who loved her.

She felt too, as she mopped the trickling water from it, the smooth bronzed skin of the leg.

She stared at his throat, hypnotised by the pulse beating beneath the bronzed skin.

Three large bronzed fans whirred above in the smoky air.

Usually Sara saw him as a bronzed , athletic man with a steady gaze, manly features and narrow hips.

Zitney lay beside her, his firm, lean shoulder in the air, the sheet tangled negligently around his bronzed arm.

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