Government has reduced the burden of regulation and the need for central bureaucracy .
The central bureaucracy was embryonic and his provincial officials were spread wafer-thin and proved very difficult to supervise.
Mr Birt himself has stressed his desire to transfer support services out from the central bureaucracy in London.
The federal bureaucracy has been bloated.
Such creativity simply does not exist in Washington, and if it did, it could not surmount the federal bureaucracy .
Many are high-level members of the federal bureaucracy and commute up Route 5 each day into Washington.
Meanwhile, organized labor and the thousands of new patronage jobs in the federal bureaucracy gave the president powerful political leverage.
Unfortunately, there is a mentality in the federal bureaucracy that defies change and rejects innovation.
The case dragged through the federal bureaucracy for seven years, before she finally gave up her citizenship voluntarily in 1971.
Even where secrecy was not ordered from above, the squabbling Soviet bureaucracy worked against the efficient collection and distribution of data.
The economic interests of the state bureaucracy are largely realized through state revenue-raising.
The state bureaucracy works very closely with firms to implement a comprehensive, collaborative strategy for economic growth.
Indigenous economic interests and institutions become dependent on the state bureaucracy .
Together, they come up against an extraordinarily barbaric state bureaucracy and not a few disappointments.
The first is to create a new bureaucracy to make sure that insurers obey the rules.
Once we have created a great bureaucracy , it will be there for ever.
In July a Pravda editorial had attacked perestroika for creating a new bureaucracy without solving the old problems.
Stella the personnel administrator will not simply push paper around in Personnel but will take action to cut down on the bureaucracy .
The company's huge bureaucracy limits creativity and independent thinking.
The EU bureaucracy in Brussels has grown in size and authority.
We need less bureaucracy in the school system - teachers should be allowed to make more decisions.
He disliked committee procedures and bureaucracy .
In fact, without evolutionary and learning pressures, the society of mind in a brain would turn into a bureaucracy .
In the leaner 1990s that headquarters glamour is increasingly seen as gluttony - an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy and overheads.
Once the process is under way, empire-building adds fuel to the fire, and more fat to the bureaucracy .
One more small step away from control by elected officials and toward a government run by the bureaucracy .
The Bill perpetuates all the anomalies, unfairness, regional variations and bureaucracy that made the poll tax unpopular.
The consequence may well be the forms of bureaucracy that so occupy the attention of administrative reformers.
The organization is made up of 346, 000 lawyers, you see, and there is bureaucracy on top of bureaucracy.