a burial site
A Bronze Age burial site has been discovered.
burial customs (= things done when someone dies and is buried )
the diversity of burial customs in different parts of the world
parade/hunting/burial etc ground
These fields served as a hunting ground for the local people.
The rivers are used as dumping grounds for industrial waste.
He is buried in sacred ground.
The bill has proved controversial, especially over the issue of whether deep burial should be considered permanent or not.
Until the last ten years most authors thought that solution seam and stylolite formation took place during deep burial diagenesis.
The ancient Israelites set great store by proper burial .
They hid the grave so that we couldn't give the bodies a proper burial .
The most ancient burial chambers consisted of huge stone slabs forming a chamber with entrances through which further corpses might be introduced.
What can we learn from twenty prehistoric burial chambers , which we call cists, and which have been uncovered up to now?
The earliest settlers left behind them a remarkable array of monuments: standing stones, burial chambers , villages and brochs.
There are numerous historic and archaeological sites to visit including the fascinating ancient burial chambers at Pentre Ifan, 20 miles away.
The strange standing stones, remnants of a burial chamber , are said to house an invisible living occupant - Wayland.
The remains of duns, brochs, stone circles, burial chambers and standing stones lie scattered throughout the island.
Jane Stuart died in Wisbech 12 September 1742 and was buried in the Friends' burial ground there.
If you go back to the earliest burial grounds , you will find kidney stones and gall stones.
He began to walk away from the burial ground , his heart surging with excitement.
Painter Betina Fink's new series, Ancestral Park, focuses on a contemporary burial ground near her home.
It could be a Roman or Saxon burial ground and they were buried with their treasures.
The graveyard especially is a good place to examine the strange and beautiful gravestones characteristic of old Basque burial grounds .
The former provides a remarkable education resource whilst conserving a very important Anglo-Saxon burial ground .
It is said that there is an ancient burial ground on one of the farms - supposedly haunted!
He pressed the snow to make a mound , a burial mound.
The dark humus deposits inside burial mounds were used as fertiliser.
And maybe the one in the burial mound had been dropped by some one else entirely?
Just because a road runs past a group of Bronze Age burial mounds does not mean that it is prehistoric.
He had enjoyed the visit to the burial mound .
A large urea, 32 X 6.4 m, was uncovered to establish the perimeters of two burial mounds .
The site, composed of burial mounds lined with clay, was not expected to be ready for at least two weeks.
The elongated, slightly oval hummock could hardly be called a grave, more a burial mound .
The basilican church was generally built over the burial place of the saint to whom it was dedicated.
Questioning the tomb assumption for megaliths does not mean that people never thought of them as burial places .
The burial place was surrounded by the crypt and above it, in the church, was the high altar.
They are believed to have been family shrines rather than communal burial places .
The so-called tomb of Osiris was actually the burial place of Djer, a long-forgotten king of the First Dynasty.
Thursday the Royal Burial Mound and the other burial places and the port and the primeval forest.
The churchyard around it has probably been a burial place for 1000 years.
Martin pressed himself back into the burial plot , his fear of it temporarily forgotten in the face of this new terror.
I cried all the way back to the farm and then all the way to the burial plot in our west hill.
The story of the purchase of Sarah's burial plot is comedy, and comedy frequently takes delight in debunking heroes.
Bartering for a burial plot Genesis 22 has, not surprisingly, provided inspiration to many artists.
It can not cover newspaper announcements, private burial plots or memorials.
If the burial service follows a church service on a separate occasion, a fee will be charged.
The Kazakh government has recognized the problem and has accepted a programme for the construction of appropriate burial sites .
Celtic legend described Newgrange as the burial site of the ancient kings of Tara.
Still, I feel certain our days at the burial site are numbered.
The list of his alleged burial sites is long.
It was some kind of ancient burial site .
It is imperative for Abraham that a burial site be purchased, and quickly.
Often the burial site is destroyed, or there is a differential representation of habitats.
She led them slowly through the graveyard to the burial site .
In a cemetery from the Late Cucuteni period in Moldavia excavators found two burials of girls about 9-10 years old.
More than 5,000 fur coats were given a ceremonial burial at a secret grave in Britain by the anti-fur pressure group Lynx.
He insisted it be given a decent burial and immediately got another cat to replace it.
However, the survival of certain types of artefact is as much the result of various factors prior to burial as to post-depositional processes.
Interor intra-mural burials were not typically observed within the houses of the Indus cities.
Painter Betina Fink's new series, Ancestral Park, focuses on a contemporary burial ground near her home.
Still, I feel certain our days at the burial site are numbered.
The ancient Israelites set great store by proper burial .
The patina the bronzes had acquired during burial was much admired, and people assumed that they had originally been patinated.
The price of a more elaborate service and burial looks to be £17,000.
The tilting of the layers tells us of a period of gentle deformation that followed burial of the sediments.