Dotty Harmer's cottage was the only house to be seen here, basking among the buttercups like a warmly golden cat.
He's forgotten what it is to sit and hold hands among the buttercups.
It was summer days drenched with sunlight, fields yellow with buttercups, and barn lofts sweet with hay.
So any docks, dandelions and creeping buttercup go straight to the tip and good riddance to them too.
The Great River swept sluggishly through meads that were aflame with buttercups and dotted with the last patches of melting snow.
Then he picked up the fainter smells of buttercups and horses.
There were certainly forget-me-nots, violets, white wood anemones, huge numbers of dandelions and some buttercups.
We went too, but were not allowed in the hospital, so we played in the buttercup fields.