It is different from any Byzantine architecture in east or west but owes much of its fundamental character to the Byzantine style.
Inside the cathedral there is more light than is usual in such great Byzantine churches .
Like most Byzantine churches it is unpretentious and lacking in colour.
The fine Byzantine church was considerably restored in the nineteenth century, but retains its original character.
The exterior of Byzantine churches is plain and simple; its appearance is ceded to the glory of the interior.
The chief types of Byzantine church plan are as follows: 1.
But the Byzantine emperors were themselves no more trusting and would generally keep their foreign envoys in virtual isolation.
The Orthodox Church is composed of 23 self-governing churches that emerged from the Byzantine Empire .
And the Byzantine coins imply some connection with Constantinople.
Apart from the dome and pendentive construction, Byzantine methods and materials vary according to locality.
But the Byzantine emperors were themselves no more trusting and would generally keep their foreign envoys in virtual isolation.
Inside, there are frescoes in rich colour typical of the best of late Byzantine work.
The adjacent campanile is also interesting and is a combination of Norman and Byzantine work.
The Orthodox Church is composed of 23 self-governing churches that emerged from the Byzantine Empire.
There are 3 great sets of commentaries on Aristotle: the neo-Aristotelian, the neo-Platonic and the Byzantine .