Meaning of CAPTIVITY in English





Adults are easy to keep in aquaria for they rarely climb out if well-treated, and will breed freely in captivity .

Given optimum conditions, Oscars will breed in captivity , but sexing is difficult.

Few fishkeepers for whatever reason, seem interested in attempting to breed this cichlid in captivity .

Many attempts have been made to breed them in captivity , however, there are flaws in this idea.

To date it does not appear that this species has been bred in captivity .

Tropical marine invertebrates, unlike marine fish which are notoriously difficult to successfully breed in captivity , are far more accommodating.

Many campaigners feel that chimps for scientific purposes should be bred in captivity , to avoid draining the wild resources.


Other animals were sometimes kept in captivity , but never with much breeding success.


Some environmental groups maintaining that the birds should be left to their own devices rather than being raised in captivity .


Folkes says that he was held in captivity for over a year.

In his autobiography, Mandela describes his life during captivity .

In his book, he describes what life was like during his long captivity .

The hostages are now entering their fourth week in captivity .

The industrialist, who was captured on November 24th, was freed after 84 days in captivity .

Wilson was released from captivity just before the end of the war.


Both these birds may have escaped from captivity .

In the ocean they live to be 40, double their normal life expectancy in captivity .

James was released from captivity but not from his nobles' displeasure, incited largely by the scheming Red Douglas family.

Medicinal leeches in captivity can live for many years, but nobody in my local hospital knows precisely how long.

One young man of John's age wrote to say that the pointlessness of his captivity had struck a chord with him.

These fishes eat well in captivity , but it may take a little coaxing to get them started.

To do so you would have to keep careful pedigree records of caddises bred in captivity , and breeding them is difficult.

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