Meaning of CATARRH in English



Chilly, always taking colds which cause catarrh and sneezing; from every change in the weather.

Elimination: problems may manifest as constipation, fluid retention, congested skin, catarrh . 4.

Respiratory system Runny or congested nose, constant sore throat, catarrh or post-nasal drip, difficulty in breathing, hyperventilation.

There is a characteristic pain from the sternum to the back with the catarrh and the cough.

This is helpful to those who suffer from catarrh or sinus congestion.

To relieve catarrh , chew raw garlic.

What kind of private life could be imagined for this dried-up bundle of chilblains and nasal catarrh ?

With nasal catarrh of some duration there may be loss of smell or taste.

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