Then the wind got up, and coated everything with an invasive layer of caustic soda .
It was rather like having a heated dagger thrust into the eyeball and twisted, then caustic soda rubbed in the wound.
Anhydrous caustic soda , hydrogen gas and phosgene, all well established product areas, are being developed to produce maximum returns.
Store in polythene bottles as 5 M caustic soda etches glass.
In its concentrated form it is hazardous to handle especially as many commercial formulations are stabilised with caustic soda .
He claimed Bourne, 26, threw caustic soda liquid into her face causing temporary blindness and serious burns.
Many of these are based on caustic soda and require care in use and protective clothing, gloves and goggles.
In 1890 Castner devised a new process for its manufacture, based on the electrolytic decomposition of caustic soda .
Sir Brian is loud-mouthing Sir Bernard, who is assaulting the other five with caustic wit .
Hayward made some pretty caustic comments about your poetry.
Some of his students were alienated by his caustic wit.
But the caustic critics were not the majority.
Eliot wrote a caustic letter back.
Heavy fatty deposits can be broken up by the use of caustic cleaners sometimes specially formulated and described as drain cleaners.
It was rather like having a heated dagger thrust into the eyeball and twisted, then caustic soda rubbed in the wound.
Likewise, efficient marketing of both chlorine and caustic soda is essential as demand for the two chemicals is rarely in balance.
Rather than return home to be arrested, Kim kept up his caustic criticism from abroad.
The open and caustic disagreements between Deming and Juran are but one case in point.