Meaning of CAVALRY in English





The Black Prince led a cavalry charge against them and forced them back towards the River Miosson.

The game consisted entirely of cavalry charges end to end.

His speech varies between a chaotic cavalry charge and a slow, incomprehensible drool.


The cavalry officer pushed a hand through his long golden hair as he ran up the house steps.

Expecting to use tanks, Navarre picked a cavalry officer to command.

His look of annoyance abruptly changed to a delighted smile when he recognized the young cavalry officer .

Two other cavalry officers stood behind the Captain.


Preston Barracks was built before the Second World War for a cavalry regiment .

A section of the Iceni revolted and had to be suppressed by a dismounted cavalry regiment .

He left Westminster to raise a cavalry regiment for the king.


The riders use stirrups and large supporting saddles, so may be a cavalry unit .

The columns included foot soldiers, artillery and cavalry units , white-topped sup-ply wagons, and dark-hued ambulances.

It's usually worth protecting those high-cost cavalry units with a banner of Arcane Warding or Protection.

There, the tracks were given to the mechanized infantry and powerful armored cavalry units .


A wounded horse limped in the wheat, trying to catch up with the other cavalry horses.

And I could see no more, until the cavalry came to the rescue.

But last week the Republican ad cavalry charged to the rescue.

It's usually worth protecting those high-cost cavalry units with a banner of Arcane Warding or Protection.

My grandfather said the cavalry from Fort McDowell sent out patrols to chase Apaches.

The columns included foot soldiers, artillery and cavalry units, white-topped sup-ply wagons, and dark-hued ambulances.

The substantial remains of the cavalry fort include a bath house showing the sophisticated workings of the underfloor heating system.

These were organized into four divisions of foot soldiers and about 500 light cavalry .

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