Squeeze along on your hands and knees, then wriggle flat on your stomach, and you may reach an underground cavern .
Two hundred code writers, broken down into teams, entered the project as if it were some underground cavern .
They would require extensive tunnelling through limestone under the Judean Hills where there was a danger of underground caverns or water.
Evidence showed that almost twice as much gas had been loaded into the underground cavern , resulting in the blast.
These are great vaulted underground caverns , the roof supported by columns which display a wide variety of capital design.
A few that remain protrude from the side and top, synthetic stalactites in a cavern of the sea.
Even access is not encouraged, and the tracks leading to the caverns are also closed.
It was too soon; she was still in the cavern .
Jewel-tipped stalactites hung from the cavern roof, aglow like many little lamps.
The bats leave the caverns at sunset each day to feed on night-flying insects.
The deepest is Lechuguilla, an undeveloped cavern that reaches 1, 567 feet into the Earth.
The Environmental Protection Agency has authorised the storage of only 8,500 drums in the cavern over a five year test period.
We swam in the chilly river of the Titou Gorge where it winds through caverns underground.