Meaning of CEREBRAL in English



cerebral palsy




The relief of pain by oxygen inhalations, which reduce cerebral blood flow, also suggests that this is a factor.

It is commonly due to globally diminished cerebral blood flow, which may be caused by a variety of mechanisms.

Drinking a caffeine-containing beverage in the morning may help also be-cause caffeine constricts cerebral blood vessels.

Further, no firm experimental evidence shows that these drugs diminish regional cerebral blood flow in migraineurs.

The diameter of cerebral blood vessels is regulated by smooth muscles, which, in turn, are controlled by adenosine.


With the collapsed lung and the damaged cerebral cortex ?

But even if the totals were constant across individuals, the subtotals would still vary between different parts of the cerebral cortex .

The implications of differences in cortical organization go beyond our understanding of the cerebral cortex .

The major growth of cerebral cortex , as our ancestors became fancier and fancier primates, was sideways.

The information fed directly into Jonathan's cerebral cortex .

Does a smart person have more cerebral cortex than an idiot?

For example, since all mammals have a cerebral cortex we must assume that the ancestral form also had one.

That seems to activate the cerebral cortex in the parietal lobes more than in the frontal lobes.


I once watched a Gamow bag quite dramatically save the life of a trekker with cerebral edema .


There was no difference between the aspirin and placebo groups in the incidence of cerebral haemorrhage .

Leech had conducted a post-mortem examination and found cerebral haemorrhage as the cause of death.

Pathologist Mustansir Nurbhai said Mr Thompson died of extensive cerebral haemorrhage due to a fractured skull.

Rose At the age of sixty-one, Rose had a massive cerebral haemorrhage .

The vulture instinct would make him acutely observant for any signs of imminent cerebral haemorrhage in the actor.

Fulton lay on the permafrost, miming a cerebral haemorrhage .

He died from a cerebral haemorrhage shortly afterwards.

The cause of death was a cerebral haemorrhage .


These neutrons are setting off alarms all round your cerebral hemispheres .

But no-the two cerebral hemispheres are actually quite asymmetric in various ways.


The medical diagnosis was cerebral palsy .

First comes a diagnosis of cerebral palsy , a label that seems right until other puzzling symptoms appear.

Andrew was born with cerebral palsy , and suffers a form of blindness.

Sam is 6 and has cerebral palsy .

Craig, 21 months, suffers from cerebral palsy .

Doctors thought she had a mild case of cerebral palsy .

He now has severe cerebral palsy , is unable to roll over, sit or crawl.

Sheng has cerebral palsy and is unable to walk.


a cerebral hemorrhage

Winters' novel is cerebral , yet also scary and funny.


But there is also something worrying about a plastic box outwitting humans at this most cerebral of pastimes.

He was rushed to hospital with cerebral concussion and a smashed-up face.

Pathologist Mustansir Nurbhai said Mr Thompson died of extensive cerebral haemorrhage due to a fractured skull.

That kind of cerebral dominance was subsequently confused with that other specialty of left-brain function: running the right hand.

The diameter of cerebral blood vessels is regulated by smooth muscles, which, in turn, are controlled by adenosine.

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