A chamberlain showed them to their seats just beneath the high table, which was dominated by a pearl-encrusted silver salt cellar.
Bernard the chamberlain held his high office for only a few months, in 829-30.
Both chamberlain and clerk accepted it without question when they were dismissed from attendance.
He was himself master forester of Rossendale, and Pilkington was his chamberlain .
Pelham was elected chamberlain of Hull 30 September 1630 and sheriff of Hull in 1636, becoming alderman in 1641.
Polydore Vergil later claimed that Edward's chamberlain lord Hastings raised a force for the king in Lancashire.
She saw the prince's chamberlain lean out and speak to his waiting page.
The King and his Cardinal were preparing to leave and the courtyards were full of sumpter ponies, officials and chamberlains.