Meaning of CHOSEN in English


arbitrarily chosen

an arbitrarily chosen number

carefully planned/chosen/controlled etc

carefully chosen words

chosen by lot

In Athens at that time, judges were chosen by lot .

sb’s chosen career

His parents encouraged him in his chosen career as a scientist.


the (privileged/chosen) few

A decade ago this was Checkpoint Charlie, one of the few gaps in an otherwise impenetrable barrier a hundred miles long.

But then Jeffries said that that article was one of the few that had examined his ideas on the merits.

Date palms are one of the few fruit trees that can be safely transplanted at full maturity.

Hundreds of people could be seen walking along the roadside or waiting patiently for the few overcrowded buses.

I had underlined the few shady connections which made it into the open.

Stirling sensibly argued that it was illogical to form two new battalions when the few men he required were being denied him.

The major drawback for all immigrant firms has been the difficulty in recruiting the few highly skilled key workers essential to production.

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