Meaning of CLUMSY in English





The treatment of the inputs is rather clumsy .

It looked rather clumsy but, when I swung it, it felt quite light.

A wonderful defensive move which prevents ... b5 even though in other respects the rook lands on a rather clumsy square.

Also, during my last year at Oxford, I had noticed that I was getting rather clumsy in my movements.

They are all rather clumsy and fairly large, being distinguished from the parasols of the period by their short stumpy handles.


And besides he repels me, so clumsy and big with his cat eyes.



Donna turned as Ryker came at her, avoiding his clumsy attempts to grab her.

But of course he had, and my clumsy attempt to avoid detection only served to make the retribution fiercer.

His clumsy attempt to distract her attention was all the warning she needed.

Some swine had bashed the offside rear three-quarter in a very clumsy attempt to park behind me.


a clumsy camera

a clumsy , shy thirteen-year-old boy

a large man with big clumsy hands

Andrew made a clumsy attempt to kiss her, but she pushed him away.

Dana made a clumsy attempt to catch the ball.

His writing is clumsy and unconvincing.

I was so shy and clumsy when I was seventeen.

I was tall and clumsy as a child, so I avoided sports.

Paula always felt clumsy when she had to serve food to people.

The show is a clumsy blend of news and entertainment.

You clumsy idiot! Look what you've done to my car.


And I had always felt clumsy because the giving of cash in my own culture is tainted.

But I am pretty clumsy so I had better not take up too many other sports.

Fumbling, fingers clumsy in her panic, she dragged at the plastic retaining clips.

Her big-boned body felt clumsy and she placed the tray on the coffee table with a loud clatter.

It was like watching a clumsy remake of an old movie.

It was only her thick-handed, clumsy way of helping me, advancing an imaginary project that obsesses her.

When he left, the other actors offered him clumsy commiseration, as to some one who had been bereaved.

Writing is downgraded as if it is a clumsy substitute for more efficient means of preserving data and the findings or conclusions.

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