Meaning of COLLISION in English



head-on collision

a head-on collision

side-on collision

a side-on collision




The ruling last week puts the courts on a collision course with Mr Mugabe and the police.

The advancing ship suddenly veered off collision course .

In addition, the Kee affair had put him on a collision course with his parents.

If executed close enough to the Moon, this maneuver can place the spacecraft on a collision course with the Moon.

However, the House of Lords could well favour a different option, setting the two on a collision course .

The Croatan was on a collision course with the twenty-foot branch and its two passengers.

Suddenly I found that he and I were on a collision course , both in Atlas aircraft.

The two are in a constant collision course .


The simulated disaster in exercise Gryphon's Lift was a midair collision between military and civilian planes over Catterick Garrison.



The experiment is now performed and it is found that the bats avoid collisions just as efficiently as before.

Authorities said the commercial flight maneuvered to avoid a collision and landed as scheduled.

At such speeds, they need accurate sense organs if they are to avoid damaging collisions .

To avoid clustering of collisions , chaining was chosen as a collision resolution technique.

He saw no prospect of avoiding for long a head-on collision .

Two of the riders left the road to avoid a head on collision .

The huge lorry is forced to mount the kerb to avoid a collision with the oncoming car.

Sooner or later students will need to swing, or stop a swing, to avoid a collision on the ground.


It does not therefore describe the collision of genuinely non-aligned gravitational waves.

This describes the collision of plane gravitational waves with step wavefronts.


The Bell-Szekeres solution Bell and Szekeres have considered a very simple situation involving a collision of two step electromagnetic waves.

At least two coaches seem to have been involved in a collision in the Leopoldstadt, near the canal.

His car was involved in in collision with an articulated lorry.


In August 1995 some 300 were killed in a rear-end collision at Firozabad near Agra.

In a year or so three of these young men will be killed in collisions .


A spokesman said the freight train driver spotted the danger but could not prevent the collision .

Make sure that you set tab stops far enough apart to prevent collisions of this type.

They included provisions designed to prevent head-on collisions , like those at Bellgrove and later at Newton.

The pilot released the cable but could not keep the glider straight, or stop in time to prevent the collision .

That meant that a proposal, which would have prevented the collision , for four new platforms at Newton had been scrapped.

The rules of the road, for example, have a purpose since they are designed to prevent collisions .


A school bus has been involved in a collision with a fuel tanker.

News of the mid-air collision reached the papers quickly.

The risk of a mid-air collision over central London has increased dramatically.

These airbags are designed to protect car drivers in head-on collisions.

Those who drive the road regularly say their biggest fear is a head-on collision .

Whiplash, a neck injury, is a result of automobile collisions.


About two-thirds of all collisions at state public crossings actually occur where everything is functioning properly.

At such speeds, they need accurate sense organs if they are to avoid damaging collisions.

But in the collision course, the church has some mighty weapons.

In 1994, they had to withdraw after Roca broke her wrist in a fluke warmup collision .

This placed an important limit on the amount of energy that could be emitted in the collision .

To carry out the same thing with battleships was a very different matter and the collision the officers had foreseen duly occurred.

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