Meaning of COLOURLESS in English



Everything was grey, wet and colourless as we stood by the rail watching the luggage being unloaded into the custom sheds.

I dimly remembered having watched the sun set, copper orange over a colourless world.

Standing at the right angle, we are dazzled by the colours of the rainbow in colourless ice.

Tait stroked his beard again with long, elegant fingers, appraising her with colourless eyes.

The glare of the nauseous streetlights which made the world faceless and colourless .

They were slim, pale and elegant, and she wore colourless or pearl nail varnish.

Until you looked into his strangely colourless eyes.

Woolley's training programme was grindingly hard, tent-life cold, wet and colourless , and the news from the front depressing.

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