Meaning of COMPENSATORY in English





When will he announce an enhanced hill livestock compensatory allowance ?

Thirdly, there is strong support for the hill livestock compensatory allowances , amounting to £142 million in a full year.

Slightly increased maxima for compensatory allowances are specified. 6.

Mr. Curry Payments to farmers under the 1992 hill livestock compensatory allowances scheme have already begun.


The compensatory award is intended to reimburse you for financial loss resulting from the unfair dismissal.

She proposed a $ 24 million compensatory award .

A tribunal must make a compensatory award if it has made a basic award.

Quantifying the compensatory award Unfortunately, but perhaps inevitably, the calculation of the compensatory award is highly speculative.

Above all, you should be aware of an extremely important ceiling on the compensatory award .

What happens if you are paid an exgratia sum which exceeds the current maximum compensatory award ?


Punitive damages potentially could be much more costly to cigarette companies than compensatory damages.

But there are no such guidelines for determining compensatory damages .

If they prevail, they are entitled to compensatory damages .

He was awarded $ 335, 000 in compensatory damages and $ 300, 617 in punitive damages.

By contrast, compensatory damages reimburse actual out-of-pocket losses.

Court awards of compensatory damages for deaths are irrelevant to benefit-cost analysis for similar reasons.

Therefore Knapp was awarded compensatory damages and reassigned to his teaching and coaching jobs.

If the jury had ruled against compensatory damages , the case would not have been able to proceed to the punitive stage.


Theories of compensatory education rest on certain important assumptions.

And this, in turn, produced the exact opposite of what the Carnegie report had predicted-a large increase in compensatory education .


Officers can earn overtime pay or compensatory time off.

The Court awarded Mitchel $650,000 in compensatory damages.


By contrast, compensatory damages reimburse actual out-of-pocket losses.

If Nietzsche was to come to terms with a specialized academic career, his need of a compensatory allegiance was extreme.

If they prevail, they are entitled to compensatory damages.

In fact, once drivers are made aware of this they normally take compensatory action in their driving.

She is seeking $ 700, 000 in compensatory and punitive damages.

The right-brain compensatory ability seems to be lost for most of us sometime in the preschool years.

The subsection combines, therefore, a restitutionary remedy and a compensatory remedy.

When will he announce an enhanced hill livestock compensatory allowance?

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