Meaning of COMPRESS in English

I. verb


compress a file (= make it smaller so that it uses less space on a computer )

The program allows you to compress files.




His flying saucer, however, is made of glass fibre and runs on compressed air .

John watched a swinging door compress the air behind her.

Excess electricity can also be used to compress air in an underground store.

Application Have the students work in groups to brainstorm all the examples of compressed air they can.

It was a priority that it should work without the need for compressed air because not all tractors have compressors.


It tells you which files belonging to which programs are on your hard disk and it can also compress files.

I have used floppies with compressed files from commercial software.

It's generally impossible to compress such files - the program sees each overlay as corrupt data.

Click the extract button, and the originals will be extracted from the compressed file and placed in the new directory.

After you download a compressed file , you must decompress it to get it to work.

I often download compressed Internet files , which usually end with the file extension. zip.

PKLite offers an alternative by compressing only executable files , that is the.

Inside the window is a list of files contained inside the compressed file.


The woman compressed her lips and resisted picking it up.

Tillman compressed his lips and, with a butter knife, dug at a smudge of paste stuck to his tee shirt.

He compressed his lips in silent offence.


Behind the factory is a machine that compresses old cars into blocks of scrap metal.

Scuba divers used cylinders of compressed air.

Some files compress more easily than others.

The play has been compressed from a huge book.

This program compresses computer files so they can be easily sent by email.


Clusters could then compress data for the next layer.

If the onset of such diseases can be delayed then morbidity will be compressed into the final years of life.

Next, the compressor in the outdoor unit compresses the gas into a hot high-pressure state.

The bags were fitted with brass nozzles and taps, and when in use were compressed between hinged and weighted boards.

The whole operation had been compressed into the virtual reality of Macintosh.

II. noun




For recent injuries such as sprains, bruises, swellings, inflammation and headaches, cold compresses are recommended.

Apply cold compresses and take aspirin or another nonprescription pain reliever if necessary, says KleinSchwartz.

For a cold compress , use exactly the same method, but with icy cold water.

She said that putting him on bute straight away would reduce the inflammation and alternate hot and cold compresses would also help.

He came back with the basin of cold water and put more cold compresses on her ankle.

He found her lying with a cold compress on her forehead, the pupils of her eyes strangely dilated.


Cold or hot compresses and/or a gentle massage may bring some relief.

She said that putting him on bute straight away would reduce the inflammation and alternate hot and cold compresses would also help.

Why were there no hot compresses on his limbs?

Abscesses can be hastened to burst by fermenting the swollen painful area with hot compresses .


The engine's efficiency depends on the effective compression of gas in all its cylinders.


Apply cold compresses and take aspirin or another nonprescription pain reliever if necessary, says KleinSchwartz.

For recent injuries such as sprains, bruises, swellings, inflammation and headaches, cold compresses are recommended.

Her hand touched the compress on his head tentatively.

Mud-Pony-Boy healed the horse with loving care and herbal compresses for the injured foot.

Other doctors were putting compresses of saline solution on the worst burns.

The compresses can be used hot or cold according to the condition being treated.

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