Meaning of COMPRISE in English





Single parents comprised about 4-S percent of the opioid users known to these agencies.

Single rupee sachets comprise about 70 per cent of the company's shampoo sales.

There are 11 records, comprising about 14 birds.


A limited partnership comprises both limited and full partners.


After only a couple of days, comprising mainly insults and bickering, she hadn't felt as if they were strangers.

Rivers in this area are mainly comprised of domestic and industrial effluent, and many have been fishless in living memory.

The former group is largely made up of locals while the latter mainly comprises newcomers, but the class dimension is paramount.

It comprises mainly lignin and cellulose fibres too short for re-use with an organic matter content of 10 % to 30 %.


Coursework often now comprises both practical assessments and longer projects and individual studies.

The monetary sector now comprises those institutions subject to the Bank's supervisory powers under the 1987 Banking Act.

So, Granada Computer Services now comprises four divisions in total, including the two mentioned above.

The company now comprises three divisions: the first is Applied Technology, which generates 13% of group turnover.


Exports remained weak as a whole, however, comprising only about 6 percent of production.

However, the loaders comprise only one of two munitions specialties.

The convoy's armed escort comprised only two destroyers and two corvettes.

However, the structure of attitudes does not only comprise the explicit justifications and criticisms which might be advanced by the attitude-holder.

The text chosen for analysis is a short story by Ernest Hemingway comprising only 11 sentences.

But, as Taylor shows, in the value-adding spectrum, they only comprise the first stage of a four-stage process.



Usenet-the Net's prime discussion area-comprises over 85,000 newsgroups, each dedicated to a specific topic.

Rivers in this area are mainly comprised of domestic and industrial effluent, and many have been fishless in living memory.

The well-drained areas on the mounds comprise brown forest soils and humus-iron podzols.

The Comprehensive Development Area comprised a total of 5670 acres of which 424 were available for industrial development.

But the Detroit metropolitan area , comprising various cities in three surrounding counties, already has regional governmental authorities.


The business comprises two operations, Steriseal, which distributes medical and opthalmic products, and Rotax, which supplies scalpels.

The Waterford Crustal business comprises the manufacture, marketing, distribution and retailing of high quality crystal products including stemware and giftware.


The research committee comprises chartered accountants working in industry, commerce, public practice and academia.

So far the steering committee comprises representatives from its lead bank, Barclays, and four big lenders.


Operating as a standing committee of Council , its membership comprises: Two members nominated from each of the 22 district societies.

The Council comprised all the member States, which are each represented by one delegate.


A course comprises words on paper, illustrations and sounds.

Essentially the course comprises sequences of language drills.


Pahl's final group comprises local traders and small business owners.

The second question concerns the types of groups most likely to comprise the largest support for violent rebellions or revolutionary movements.

The activities brought together 18 senior members of the newly restructured operations group comprising all the east coast and New Zealand sites.

Wild horses live in breeding groups comprising one stallion, a handful of mares and their youngsters.

This group comprises the County Court, the Magistrates' Court and tribunals.

Much academic attention has been focused on the classification of the social groups comprising the new types of communities in rural areas.


Operating as a standing committee of Council, its membership comprises: Two members nominated from each of the 22 district societies.

The task force initially comprised 28 members from law enforcement, civil rights, public health, neighborhood and prostitution-affiliated organizations.

The current 57-seat Legco comprised 31 government-appointed members , 14 chosen by functional constituencies and 12 by electoral college.

The Council comprised all the member States, which are each represented by one delegate.

The money comprised contributions from member States, which maintained their position of not being legally liable.


This comprises a small number of true wasteland species, commoner there than in other habitats.

In the first place it comprised by far the largest number of workers in one industry.

Many surgical waiting lists comprise large numbers of simple, low cost, procedures.

For example, we can characterise the human body as a system which is comprised of a number of sub-systems.

Also consider the cost, since hedges comprise large numbers of plants.


Exports remained weak as a whole, however, comprising only about 6 percent of production.

They will comprise 75 percent of the state's public school population.

Thus, if forest comprises 85 percent of the area, it must be allotted 55 percent of the squares.

Mining and extraction industries, such as oil and gas, comprise 7. 7 percent of the index.

He said that his government was prepared to share power with the Hutu majority, who comprised 85 percent of the population.

People over sixty-five will comprise at least 20 percent of the population, up from 5 percent in 1900.

Spring's vast fortune comprised upwards of 40 percent of the combined assets of the Babergh clothiers.

They cover three detailed studies and include an extensive essay comprising 40 percent of the assessment.


One of the properties comprised five thousand dunums of land owned by the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem near Nablus.


The first is called algorithmic, which comprises a procedure or series of instructions used to solve a specific type of problem.

The intermediate elements comprise a formal series or structure.


Most of these studies , however, comprised patient populations treated by varying surgical techniques, in the period before our study.

Our study population comprised men born in one maternity hospital during 1907-24.

Taken together, these studies comprise a substantial body of work notable for its diversity, its competence and its orthodoxy.


The system comprises three key modules, which are centred on the Network Control System Console.

Comparisons to other technologies, such as statistical methods and expert systems , comprise the bulk of chapter 6.

The unit cost of most modern computer systems like these comprised about 80% materials, 15% overheads and 5% labour.

Each Mouse Alert system comprises a network of up to 360 strategically placed infra-red electronic sensor boxes.

TeamLinks, which to date only operates on VAX/VME-based systems , comprises an X.400-based mail system and office automation software.

In a bilateral system comprising a network of reciprocal relationships the entity against which claims are made is evident.

For example, we can characterise the human body as a system which is comprised of a number of sub-systems.


In more complicated cases or where a larger aircraft is concerned the investigating team can comprise up to a dozen investigators.

His team comprises of John Rafferty, Maintenance Manager.

Men's teams comprise five competitors plus two reserves.


Hindus comprise 82% of India's population.

The city's population comprises mainly Asians and Europeans.

The house comprises 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room.

The Sea Grant Program comprises over 300 colleges nationwide.


It comprises acts of Parliament and subordinate legislation made under the authority of the parent act.

It absorbed so much arsenic that, in just two weeks, arsenic comprised two per cent of its entire weight.

Its principal archival collection comprises records relating to some 140,000 charities.

The first is called algorithmic, which comprises a procedure or series of instructions used to solve a specific type of problem.

The reactions of the community will be the aggregate of the reactions of the individuals it comprises.

The world's bulk fleet comprises 7,798 vessels, 2,231 of which are between 16 and 20 years old.

Unlike a company, a partnership possesses no legal personality separate from the partners that comprise it.

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