Meaning of CONFIDENT in English



a confident prediction (= one that you think is probably right )

The situation is so uncertain that it is hard to make a confident prediction.

a confident/optimistic/relaxed etc mood

At the beginning of the negotiations, he was in a confident mood.




The police are as confident as they can be that the body they've found is hers.

I did my best with him, but I was never as confident as Clarisa was.

Women aren't encouraged to be as confident in themselves or as single-minded the way men are.

And it was Weinke who looked as slick, as confident and in control of the situation as an old pol.

Curtis, for his part, wished he felt as confident as he had tried to sound.

If only he were as confident as he pretended!

However, the State President is not as confident as he would like to be.

Ellie was as confident as the others.


Charles felt fairly confident of her safety for the time being.

And the protagonists sounded fairly confident in their attempts to resolve the dilemma.

He was fairly confident of his walk: he had taken much trouble over it.

Of this configuration he was fairly confident .


Some of the marooned passengers were less confident , and became unnerved by the uncertainties, the delay, the heat.

Jones is less confident , but says she is as good a place to die in as a man could have.

I can well understand that many older and less confident people feel comfortable and unthreatened in such places.

The importance of livestock on the farms surveyed led to many farmers being less confident in machinery work.

But the front row was less confident than the back that the firm was a meritocracy of money-makers.

Pushed into a corner, however, the machine appeared less confident .

Recent work makes us much less confident that any such clear correlation is possible.


They are also more confident that they know what their partner wants.

And the University of Michigan issued a report suggesting consumers are more confident .

She was fresher now, more confident; confident enough to scrap the entire chapter and begin anew.

It makes her feel more confident .

A little background knowledge will make you more confident and help you to draw up a list of really relevant questions.

A Senate vote probably will not come for weeks, until supporters are more confident of winning.

I long for Anglican churches to be more confident in their expression of the Good News.

But he feels confident and is getting more and more confident every day.


These things happen to the most confident of video users and the gremlins always seem to choose their moment with great care.

Kerri was worried about being out there, not always looking like the most confident person.

This part of building a successful presentation demands a degree of intellectual honesty that may test even the most confident manager.

This is not the most confident team in the world.

Andy Cole was the most confident I've seen him, giving an all-round performance that included eye-catching spin-turns.


He is quietly confident that there will be no problems this time.

As an actor, Poitier was quite effective in his understated, quietly confident way.

Wise Speke is quietly confident that Whessoe has made a good deal for its longer term development.

Then she moved a little in front, quietly confident now, the Rabari genius embodied in her.

Chief Inspector Berret was quietly confident .

We were quietly confident that whatever might happen to Hsu Fu we would be able to give the raft the best chance.

Rover, too, is quietly confident .

Red Rock West is a slow-burn thriller, wry and dry, implausible and quietly confident about itself.


She felt quite confident of being able to cope with him while he was like this.

Tom felt quite confident of his safety, but physically he felt awful.

From the radio I seemed quite confident that Newsome could handle the running at him.

I am quite confident however that the Medau Society will continue to prosper.


So when I went back to my surgeon in late January I was reasonably confident .

The next morning I sent him off to school again, reasonably confident that the problem was solved.


But can we be so confident that it can be stopped?

After a while the ducks got so confident that they'd come right into our garden and eventually into the house itself.

Marvin had been so confident of did not materialize over the next three days.

Such a very good-looking couple, so assured, so strong, so confident .

Daley was so confident nothing could happen in Chicago that he rudely rejected the invitation from Washington.

I realised I'd become so confident because I really believed in what I was doing.

After Starbuck leaves, we see that Ahab was not so confident of his position as it appeared to Starbuck.


Gregory insists he did not get carried away with all the hype and is still confident he can transform the situation.

Jenking was still confident and appeared to know exactly the ship's position.

Det Chief Inspector George Brown, the officer leading the investigation, is still confident the killers will be caught.


I suppose I look very confident .

I feel very confident eating meat here.

Now I feel very confident about life.

At thirteen and fourteen, I was very confident .

Local comrades very confident , Glenda is obviously the ideal Ham &038; High candidate.

Gore's people remain, for the record, very confident of their ultimate success.

I was feeling in really good shape and very confident .

Nurses working for agencies may often be telephoned and asked to undertake an assignment that they do not feel very confident about.



After receiving an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters, she delivered her speech in a mature and confident manner .

Mr Stannard's confident manner faltered for an instant.


At this stage in the negotiations, Green was in a relatively confident mood .

Then, on 22 March, the confident mood was poisoned.

There was a confident mood at the rally in the park.


Christina found she was still staring as if mesmerized at Stein's confident smile .

His confident smile turns into a forced grin.

Finally she lifted her head and gave a confident smile .

Stephen's confident smile never flickered.

Marc didn't miss her response, but gave a confident smile at the accuracy of his remark.

She had forgotten the compulsion of his confident smile , the total assurance he carried everywhere he went.


quietly confident

As an actor, Poitier was quite effective in his understated, quietly confident way.

Chief Inspector Berret was quietly confident.

He is quietly confident that there will be no problems this time.

Rover, too, is quietly confident.

Stay quietly confident of your own knowledge of truth.

Then she moved a little in front, quietly confident now, the Rabari genius embodied in her.

We were quietly confident that whatever might happen to Hsu Fu we would be able to give the raft the best chance.

Wise Speke is quietly confident that Whessoe has made a good deal for its longer term development.


''Do you think you'll win tomorrow's game?'' - ''Well, we're all feeling pretty confident ''.

A spokesman said the government was confident of winning the vote and would not discuss the possibility of defeat.

After living in France for a year, I felt much more confident about my French.

Baldwin is confident of victory in this year's senate race.

Doctors are confident that he'll make a full recovery.

He gave his speech in a strong, confident voice.

I'm not very confident about going back to work.

It's a difficult test, but she seems fairly confident .

Sandy gave her a confident smile.


Also, my hair made me feel more confident .

Fat women may not feel confident about exposing their bodies in those ways traditionally associated with eroticism.

I let go with another burst, feeling confident .

If only he were as confident as he pretended!

Of course, most of us feel more confident in some situations than in others.

Relatives of the men were confident the new evidence would eventually secure their release.

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