Meaning of CONSUMERISM in English





Green Believers must quicken these connections. Green consumerism is a hopeful token of more substantial change.

The question is whether, having raised the issue, green consumerism then legitimises a half-baked response.

It remains to be seen how quickly green consumerism , that most middle class of activities, can sort this out.

Here, perhaps, green consumerism can try to get us to eat tuna that has been caught in a wildlife-friendly way!

From this hollowness green consumerism springs.

They have prayed for new ways to effect transformation and green consumerism has been revealed to them.

And green consumerism is a step in the right direction.


But the growth in consumer debt should not be simply seen and condemned as a complete descent into mindless consumerism .

Fans of the novel claim that its stomach-turning violence is a brilliant metaphor for the 1980s culture of consumerism and self-gratification.

Green consumerism is a hopeful token of more substantial change.

Here protection was being offered to the husband, but also to the wife against her apparently uncontrollable consumerism .

Here, we showcase our consumerism .

The culture-ideology of consumerism in the Third World will be the subject of Chapter 5.

The Eastern Bloc has been transformed into a gigantic Enterprise Zone for western capitalists eager to reap the benefits of suppressed consumerism .

The extreme western edge of the square has the now compulsory big city billboards extolling the virtues of consumerism .

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