Meaning of CORNFLAKES in English





At breakfast time Matilda sat quietly at the dining-room table eating her cornflakes .

Then he went into the kitchen, ate a bowl of cornflakes , and smoked another cigarette.

I am trying to get a sighting of them eating cornflakes and drinking twelve - fourteen - sixteen nineteen bottles of wine.

Patricia was at the table in her dressing-gown, eating cornflakes - her favourite food.

He went ahead and wore them all the same, and sat eating his cornflakes with steam slowly rising from his legs.


Having tried bran flakes you might well find that you like them just as much as ordinary cornflakes .

I eat tremendous amounts of bread and jam and bowls of cornflakes with cold milk - delicious!

Reid in London A bowl of cornflakes can kill you-not to mention a ham sandwich or a T-bone steak.

She bought bread and orange juice and cornflakes and porridge.

Then he went into the kitchen, ate a bowl of cornflakes , and smoked another cigarette.

Where a cereal is very light, like cornflakes , an ounce will comfortably fill the usual breakfast bowl.

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