a correspondence course (= in which you work at home, sending work to a teacher by post )
a correspondence/letters column (= that prints some of the letters a newspaper receives )
Thousands of letters poured in to the correspondence column.
correspondence course
I’m taking a correspondence course in business studies.
The judge's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. 5.
The decision of the judges, including that of the Editor, is final and no correspondence can entered into.
These letters were always put on top of other correspondence in the headmistress's study.
Only enclose the official entry coupon; no other correspondence should be enclosed in the envelope.
The response to that questionnaire, together with other correspondence and submissions, forms the basis of what follows.
We regret that no personal correspondence can be entered into without a stamped-addressed envelope.
Presidential families have gone to great lengths before to preserve the privacy of their personal correspondence .
Unfortunately, Practically Speaking can not enter into personal correspondence on any topic - all correspondence must be conducted via Practically Speaking.
No little red book, no reference to anybody named Blackman, no clippings, no cryptic notes, no personal correspondence .
Packages can be sealed and can contain personal correspondence if it relates to the contents of the package.
During the afternoon he takes care of personal correspondence and his reading.
Printed Paper items must not contain personal correspondence or tapes.
After Geneva, Reagan had established an informal personal correspondence with the Soviet leader.
They said it also violates privacy rights by outlawing some expression within private e-mail correspondence between individuals.
Comprehensive index gives access to information on any aspect of business correspondence .
Now there's another element of business correspondence that could do with some attention and purpose behind it.
It is the main form of internal business correspondence and the means used to communicate the majority of written messages.
It even raised adverse comments within the correspondence columns of Gay News itself.
My eldest brother, Joe, used to take correspondence courses , so one lived in an environment of self-improvement.
They both signed up for a five-dollar correspondence course in how to make ice cream.
He returned to Carriacou and qualified as a solicitor through a London University correspondence course .
He is also charged with taking a correspondence course at the University of California at Berkeley.
Continuing a correspondence course is easy; finding another part-time degree may be less so.
For families outside the local area, a correspondence course available in 23 languages currently serves 2,500 families from around the world.
But over the years she'd studied hard - correspondence courses , night classes, anything she could lay her hands on.
The official Singer correspondence course has now been operating for about nine months and has proved to be very popular.
He had no visitors, although once or twice a week his secretary might come to deal with his correspondence .
This is something that must be discussed with the client rather than be dealt with in correspondence .
Most business people receive so much correspondence that it is difficult for them to deal with all their correspondence immediately on receipt.
Unfortunately, Practically Speaking can not enter into personal correspondence on any topic - all correspondence must be conducted via Practically Speaking.
Lesley regrets that she can not enter into any direct correspondence with readers.
Robin Dewhurst is unable to enter into any correspondence regarding holiday enquiries.
We knew Malcolm had been really impressed with Hell in New York because they kept up a correspondence .
With her was Nora Alstulund, her secretary, for she needed to keep current with correspondence and articles as she went.
Nkrumah managed to keep up a correspondence by writing on lavatory paper which he wheedled out of his cellmates.
Wherever possible the Institute attempts to keep the amount of correspondence to a minimum.
How pilot medicals will change I have read with interest the correspondence concerning medical fees.
Most days I lunched alone at my desk on a bowl of soup while reading correspondence and scribbling replies.
You know that she read archeology by correspondence when she was at finishing school.
And so began a long correspondence and a friendship with his distant cousin in Paris.
I start my day by reading correspondence and scribbling replies.
The biography is based on Marx's correspondence with Engels over 40 years.
Your fax should include copies of any correspondence you have received from our office.
Finally, the findings are not necessarily consistent with each other, although substantial areas of correspondence exist.
He picked up the correspondence and miscellaneous papers in the in-tray and quickly scanned the contents.
In theory, she studied domestic science - dressmaking and cooking - and took a pitman's correspondence and typing course.
It is only a pity your correspondence can't be read by the Palace.
Our concern in this section is merely to consider what use could be made today of correspondence for sociological purposes.
Tin-plate models continue to provide a mass of correspondence .
Unfortunately, Practically Speaking can not enter into personal correspondence on any topic - all correspondence must be conducted via Practically Speaking.
Why do they express contempt for any correspondence theories of epistemology that involve attentive engagement with the real?