Meaning of CORTEX in English





Hydrocortisone is produced by the adrenal cortex .


With the collapsed lung and the damaged cerebral cortex ?

But even if the totals were constant across individuals, the subtotals would still vary between different parts of the cerebral cortex .

The implications of differences in cortical organization go beyond our understanding of the cerebral cortex .

The major growth of cerebral cortex , as our ancestors became fancier and fancier primates, was sideways.

The information fed directly into Jonathan's cerebral cortex .

Does a smart person have more cerebral cortex than an idiot?

For example, since all mammals have a cerebral cortex we must assume that the ancestral form also had one.

That seems to activate the cerebral cortex in the parietal lobes more than in the frontal lobes.


Indeed, it is extremely difficult to distinguish between the primary visual cortex and surrounding areas in this species.

Yet back in the primary visual cortex , the fourth layer is the most impressive of all.

The strongest evidence for such a contribution comes from studying the effects of removal of the primary visual cortex .

Part of the problem is that they are often on tasks that are also severely impaired after destruction of primary visual cortex .

Matters are further complicated by the fact that information from the two eyes is brought together in the primary visual cortex .


You find that cells in adjacent parts of the visual cortex are activated by stimulation in adjacent parts of the visual field.

In the case of the visual cortex , no one knows yet.

It can also influence learned and voluntary reactions to visual stimuli when the visual cortex is absent.

But for the visual cortex , light flashes work pretty well.

Indeed, it is extremely difficult to distinguish between the primary visual cortex and surrounding areas in this species.

Yet back in the primary visual cortex , the fourth layer is the most impressive of all.

What is their relationship to the visual cortex ?

For example, our visual system maps visual space on to the surface of our visual cortex .


The eyes transmit electrical signals to the visual cortex in the brain.


But even if the totals were constant across individuals, the subtotals would still vary between different parts of the cerebral cortex .

Interestingly, this is also true of mammals from which the auditory cortex has been removed.

Rats have less than a square inch of cortex , less than humans by a factor of 500.

The major growth of cerebral cortex , as our ancestors became fancier and fancier primates, was sideways.

The next level of control is the upper motor neuron with cells of origin in the sensorimotor cortex .

The normal stabilising mechanisms are out of control and the whole cortex becomes involved.

With the collapsed lung and the damaged cerebral cortex ?

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