Meaning of CRAMPON in English



A third of the way up a vicious-looking ice-climb were two men, slowly hacking an unenviable route with axes and crampons.

An ankle strap will prevent the heel lever being released or the crampon being lost should it become disconnected from the boot.

Fig 1: Three types of crampon points - a curved lobster claw b general purpose c straight lobster claw.

Forget about instep crampons or ones without forward facing points, which are only of interest to walkers.

Frankly, I would have found it challenging with crampons and rope.

He reportedly found it very hard and was left hanging from his axes as both crampon placements broke loose nearing the top.

I pointed out the crampons, the little cleats attached to the bottoms.

The weight is kept over the feet with the crampons flat.

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