Meaning of CRYSTALLINE in English





The particular clays he has in mind do exist in many different crystalline forms .

Quartz is a crystalline form of silica.

Both crystalline forms are examples of molecular crystals.

In section 3.2 we saw that compounds which exist in more than one crystalline form are said to exhibit polymorphism.

A mineral is defined as any one of a number naturally occurring solid inorganic substances with a characteristic regularly ordered crystalline form .

Different mineral types have different characteristics in addition to their crystalline form , which set them apart.


There is some kind of popular superstition that crystalline materials are weak.

Thermoluminescence is a property of crystalline materials , such as quartz and feldspars, which are found in pottery.

When we come to everyday crystalline materials , however, there is one more link in the argument.

The proportion of crystalline material in natural cellulose varies a good deal but may be about thirty or forty percent of the whole.


Literary texts are not some static crystalline structure in which we may glimpse a captured immobile past.

The glass transition Glass, familiar for centuries, is a solid material showing no crystalline structure .

Below: A graphical representation of: The crystalline structure of silica.

The crystalline structure of each particle of dust is copied from the clay in the parent stream.

The first attempts to explain the crystalline structure of a polymer sample produced a model called the fringe-micelle structure.

But in the conodonts examined so far the crystalline structure within this layer is very variable.


a crystalline blue pool

a hormone in pure crystalline form


For example, the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis has the ability to produce crystalline spores which act as natural insecticides.

He possibly held that the universe was slightly ovoid, with a crystalline outer shell to which the stars were attached.

Naturally occurring crystalline solids are called minerals.

The crystalline post is controlled by special bond chemistry under controlled process conditions.

The glass transition Glass, familiar for centuries, is a solid material showing no crystalline structure.

The particular clays he has in mind do exist in many different crystalline forms.

These are crystalline polymers with chain orientation virtually perfect in one direction.

This imperfect distribution of cations is a disorder of the crystalline state.

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