Meaning of CURSOR in English





This is placed between two staves and moved to wherever you want it by using the cursor keys .

These people supposedly cherished cursor keys and took deep offense at their absence on Macintosh.

That said, editing in the old-fashioned way - with cursor keys - is probably quicker anyway, and works just as well.


A function returning the vertical cursor position .

The text of that paragraph, from the cursor position down, will move down to the next line.

The second defines a procedure which clears from the current cursor position to the end of line on an 80 column screen.



Then, hold down the Shift key and move the cursor to the end of the block you want selected.

Press 1. 8. Move the cursor to position 1 of the first row. 9.

To check how much a paragraph is inset move the cursor into that paragraph and look at the ruler line.

Just move the cursor and type away.

If you delete a character by mistake, move the cursor to where it was lost and type it in again.

In text editing, moving the cursor is a single-click.

In the Command Area they move the cursor between prompts and between branches of the Command tree.

This moves the cursor back one tab stop. 6.


The mouse pointer can be used to place the text cursor anywhere on the document and also to activate menus and commands.

Press Home Home up arrow. 2. Place the cursor on the word origin in the first paragraph.

Do this on the entry line by placing the cursor at each cell reference in turn and pressing F4.

Press Enter twice to place the cursor on the Type of Forms option. 7.

Alterations made by placing the cursor between two such embedded marks will conform with those instructions.

But if you place the cursor on a word, double-clicking the mouse highlights that word.

Press F4 to place the cursor on the indented position. 5.

Press Home Home up arrow to place the cursor at the beginning of the document. 5.


This is placed between two staves and moved to wherever you want it by using the cursor keys.

Each instantiation will appear in the suspended activities list and you may use the cursor control keys to select the appropriate instantiation.

Figure 5.15 Point locations on an image can be found using a cross-wire cursor .


All other text editing and file commands are made with an active cursor in the Command Area.

Make sure that your cursor is in the sum column of the answer table, and choose the option Image Graph Viewgraph.

Place the cursor at the start of the first row, on the S in Stanley C.. Arkin. 2.

Press Enter twice to place the cursor on the Type of Forms option. 7.

So to search the entire document, first move the cursor to either its start or end.

These movements are directly converted to movements of the screen cursor , or pointer as it is ten called.

These people supposedly cherished cursor keys and took deep offense at their absence on Macintosh.

To check how much a paragraph is inset move the cursor into that paragraph and look at the ruler line.

Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary.      Дополнительный английский словарь Longman DOCE5.