Meaning of CURVED in English





My father thinks they should be in curved lines .

A crossing of curved lines softens the hypnotic.

They show up as curved lines on a photographic film.

Even at that resolution and that many dots, curved lines can appear jagged, albeit under a magnifying glass.

A group of too many curved lines , without the structural rigidity of straights, tends to become sweet and sentimental.


After gluing, the curved members were cut to shape on the band saw then finished with the spokeshave.

That is to say the curved members , such as ribs, were built up of naturally curving wood, chosen to have the right shape.


One has to specify what class of possible curved spaces should be included in the sum over histories.

The Cartesian coordinates which result from this transformation describe a space which is tangential to the curved space at the point selected.

Application of the strong equivalence principle provides the basis for a definition of parallel transport in curved space time.

An equivalent view of this effect is that the result of parallel transport in a curved space depends on the path taken.

This suggests an unambiguous procedure for transporting a local vector across curved space time.

This class consisted of curved spaces without singularities, which were of finite size but which did not have boundaries or edges.

Riemann, who was a student of Gauss, initiated the analysis of curved spaces with more than two dimensions in 1846.

The situation is very different in a homogeneous, isotropic, curved space with K negative.


It is worth recalling that in Section 3.3 the analogous question was addressed for transport over a curved surface .

The shortest paths joining points a finite distance apart on a curved surface are generally not simple straight lines.

The backing can be cut to give the shape you want and can also be used around a curved surface .

Upon me rested heavy cold weights and under me was a smooth, curved surface like the bottom of a gargantuan test-tube.

Straight lines, in the usual sense, can not be drawn on curved surfaces or in curved spaces.


An airplane wing is curved on top and flat on the bottom.

Shaving mirrors are slightly curved in order to magnify the image.

The bird uses its long curved bill to dig out worms and small insects.

The entrance is formed by two curved rows of large stones.

The knife had a heavy curved blade.

The temple's roof is curved , in the Thai style.


A crossing of curved lines softens the hypnotic.

Economically, thinner ply is preferable, but needs strengthening to prevent curved steps.

He had a cruel, clever, merciless face, with a big curved nose and very bright, hard eyes.

His almost bare chest and the high, curved horns he wears accentuate his height and his slender build.

The floodwater, carrying branches and driftwood, was over the roadway on the curved iron bridge.

The girl's body was curved and slender and my hands were straying to the ribbons on her bodice.

The stone interior of the church held darkness as a curved shell holds water.

The ventralmost arm spine may be curved or sabre shaped.

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