Meaning of CYSTIC FIBROSIS in English



Excessive faecal bile acid losses have not been found in all studies in adult patients with cystic fibrosis .

She died of cystic fibrosis awaiting a heart-lung transplant.

The child of a black white mating, safe from both cystic fibrosis and sickle-cell disease, is hybrid vigour personified.

The employment record of adults with cystic fibrosis is good.

The promised cures to such illnesses as cystic fibrosis and haemophilia are still some time away.

They announced yesterday that their treatment also eliminates the genetic defect in laboratory mice, bred with cystic fibrosis .

This study confirms previous findings that faecal bile acid losses are increased appreciably in patients with cystic fibrosis .

Will the virus attach to lung cells in cystic fibrosis patients, who typically have lots of mucus in their lungs?

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