Meaning of DECOMPOSE in English



A dead fish in the aquarium will decompose rapidly, fouling the water badly.

A partly decomposed body was found late Saturday.

As household refuse decomposes, it produces an explosive gas, methane.

Diapers don't decompose in landfills.


As bacteria decomposed it, they released CO2 into the air.

Five to ten sub-systems is accepted as the normal range, which can then be decomposed as required to show lower-order activities.

I poked at its decomposing body with a long driftwood stick, working to turn it over.

If turned, two or three times, the heap will decompose without getting too hot or becoming mildewed.

In this way, semantic markers decompose the meanings of words into more primitive elements.

It would decompose and could cause the pool liner to sag.

Some minerals seem to survive more or less unaltered even after being subject to prolonged weathering, whereas others decompose very rapidly.

The elderly in Boston and New York were decomposing in their rooms.

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