Its extraordinary jurisdiction in civil matters was compared with the extraordinary jurisdiction of the now defunct Star Chamber in criminal matters.
Many were polluted years or decades ago by companies that are now defunct or bankrupt.
Pall Mall Shooting Gallery, now defunct .
Last year's event was weakened by the fact that it coincided with the now defunct Tokyo Art Expo.
Part of the now defunct Ireland Colliery may just be discerned in the background.
You see, the Ping Tiao is now defunct .
Former director of the now defunct Arthur Ackermann and Sons.
Oxford Instruments is to buy the Cambridge-based thin films group, which was part of the now defunct Cryogenic Consultants company.
Last year's event was weakened by the fact that it coincided with the now defunct Tokyo Art Expo.
Now they are being embalmed - dutifully and reverentially, as befits faithful but defunct servitors of mankind.
The new facility abuts tract homes and a defunct oil refinery.
The north and south traffic on Vermont was separated by tracks for the old yellow trolley cars, long since defunct .
Two of the rooms were fairly large and, from the remaining pipes and sinks, looked to be defunct laboratories.