dialogue box
In some of these, initial confrontation is now leading to constructive dialogue with local authority officials.
This rapprochement of basic attitudes of educationalists and linguists is an important foundation for constructive dialogue and cooperation.
Machine-learning and other advanced artificial intelligence techniques will be applied in interactive situations where musicians and computers will enter into direct dialogue .
But in May Joseph Martin, dean of Harvard's medical school, killed the proposal, calling for a national dialogue .
Clinton won praise both for his education proposals and for the national dialogue on race that he has undertaken.
Talk about this issue with friends and co-workers to help raise a national dialogue .
And when they inject themselves into our national dialogue , it is worth asking what they reveal about our national subconscious.
Keeping a relationship alive needs an open and honest dialogue .
Women's own media also allow an opportunity for open dialogue without domination by men.
There was no political dialogue left on campus.
Since early this spring, the president has aggressively dominated the political dialogue and controlled the campaign agenda.
The standard file is accessed by many applications to provide the dialogue box which allows files to be opened and saved.
Whenever a file is opened or saved a number of extra buttons appear in the dialogue box .
This dialogue box will search for data within set criteria, extract it and write it to a pre-defined output block.
A dialogue box will appear asking you whether you want a new Program Group or a new Program Item.
Step 7 Close the dialogue box and click on the icon to produce a quote.
All the dialogue boxes are familiar from other Windows applications.
This brings up a dialogue box , where you type in the necessary alterations.
The local party leadership even broadcast messages, applauded by the marchers, calling for dialogue .
Bucaram and Arteaga both called for dialogue , but Alarcon rejected any mediation.
But in May Joseph Martin, dean of Harvard's medical school, killed the proposal, calling for a national dialogue .
On the analysis offered here, rationality is partly a matter of engaging in a dialogue with others in an appropriate way.
Occasionally the child makes a comment, and the two may engage in brief dialogue .
You refused to engage in a dialogue with it.
Town and country here are engaged in the age-old dialogue between advanced civilizations and primitive cultures.
They 100 engage more in a dialogue that involves planning and equitable exchanges or balances of advantage.
I did not want to enter into an affirmative dialogue with the building.
Machine-learning and other advanced artificial intelligence techniques will be applied in interactive situations where musicians and computers will enter into direct dialogue .
You can be the centre of attention in a conversation but then the focus changes as new participants enter the dialogue .
One of the Government's White Paper commitments was to establish a dialogue with the business community on environmental issues.
It needs to maintain the dialogue between the culture of the Church and the culture of the people.
Clearchus wrote a dialogue on sleep, in which he introduced his master Aristotle as the main speaker.
Kennedy, who wrote his own dialogue , appears as chairman of a Senate subcommittee on health care reform.
Because the novel is written mainly in dialogue , a spurious impression was given that it would be easy to adapt.
What Lone Star gave us was a rich, complex story, told at a leisurely pace through brilliantly written dialogue .
Everyone talked like Amis wrote , and the dialogue slumped into an undifferentiated brawl of voices.
He co-authored the first Dalek movie, and wrote dialogue for the second virtually single-handedly.
I have written another dialogue , in which I have allowed Hylas to fight back.
The movie has almost no dialogue .
Most saw the current boss as more of a threat then an ally: There can be no meaningful dialogue between us.
Occasionally the child makes a comment, and the two may engage in brief dialogue .
The dialogue between the genes and their surroundings is understood to some extent, but we need to know far more.
The dialogue tends toward the insipid.
The dialogue was very constructive, co-operative and helpful.
This explicit treatment of his own life as data is further exemplified by his treatment of dialogue .