Meaning of DILEMMA in English



a moral dilemma (= a difficult decision for moral reasons )

Doctors face a moral dilemma when a patient can be kept alive but has no chance of real recovery.

herein/therein lies the problem/dilemma etc

And herein lies the key to their achievements.

pose a dilemma (= cause a situation in which it is very difficult to decide what to do )

In the future, the possibility of genetic testing on unborn children will pose a dilemma for parents.

solve a dilemma

Can you solve my dilemma?




It is an even bigger dilemma at the ideology-setting level, which relates more to strategic movement.


Yet, once the doctrine of consideration has been abandoned, the central dilemma of choice theories becomes even more obvious.

The central dilemma of the war was embodied in these considerations.

The central dilemma the Committee faced was how to achieve a balance in company boards between strong direction and accountability.

She endlessly debates the central dilemma in her life.


For over a decade I lived with this new knowledge and with the ethical dilemma surrounding my own pursuit of insider research.

How everyone has relished the moral, ethical and legal dilemmas .


His moral dilemmas now appear in novels such as Schindler's Ark, his 1982 Booker prizewinner.

Snipes gives a brilliant performance as a man caught in a moral dilemma .

Different moral considerations might apply for different people in the face of similar moral dilemmas .

When a clinical situation poses a genuine moral dilemma , by definition no right answer exists.

The boy presented me with a moral dilemma .

There are plenty of moral dilemmas .

It takes no account of the moral dilemmas of human life.

Dante wrote that the hottest room in hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral dilemma .


They have felt misunderstood and scapegoated, quite unprepared for the political and social dilemmas in which they were caught.

To me, that campaign epitomized the political dilemma facing feminists.

Thus a political dilemma has re-emerged.

Instead, they take a hard look at a difficult moral and political dilemma and find no easy answers.

But this is only a tongue-tip taste of the political dilemma Harrison faces.

Both these factors interrelate with a third major political dilemma: the succession to political leadership.


Nor do they deal with the real dilemmas of participation that have been the focus of considerable research.

The only real dilemma , besides parking, is choosing which acts to see.

I was now faced with a real dilemma .

This posed a real dilemma for administrators.



Winkler sees the administration in the corporatist state as confronted by two dilemmas .

When the time comes for him to write his next report, Blue is forced to confront this dilemma .

When they hand out grades, and give or with-hold promotion, teachers are inescapably confronted with this dilemma .

When 1 first came to work for the network, I was confronted with a nasty dilemma .


Falun Gong's decision to stage demonstrations here has created a vexing dilemma for Hong Kong officials and business leaders.


They had dealt with the normative dilemma: should they stay at home or not after the child was born?

Even the fashion of interdisciplinary studies can not really deal with the dilemma .

Nor do they deal with the real dilemmas of participation that have been the focus of considerable research.


This is no longer the case: scientists today are facing a similar dilemma !

The task force chair, Robert Spitzer, was then faced with a dilemma .

The managerial dilemmas Managers are paid more than workers because they face constant dilemmas which they have to resolve.

In the decades to come, presidents would face the dilemma of what to do about gifts.

But here we are faced with a dilemma .

But now I face another dilemma .

Blues-lovers such as myself face a dilemma .

This sprawling town faces no shortage of dilemmas as it oozes toward the millennium.


Yet these brighter prospects pose their own dilemma .

When Joe was asked to join the First Family each year for Christmas dinner, it posed a dilemma .

This deliberate emphasis on the young people's unreliable and hurtful past relationships poses a dilemma for residential workers.

When a clinical situation poses a genuine moral dilemma , by definition no right answer exists.

This posed a dilemma for him.

Federal disinvestment posed a serious dilemma for distressed cities.

This poses a dilemma for the Fed.

But it also poses problems and dilemmas which occur in communications policy more widely.


Such bodies present us with a dilemma .


The managerial dilemmas Managers are paid more than workers because they face constant dilemmas which they have to resolve .

And the protagonists sounded fairly confident in their attempts to resolve the dilemma .

The observational data show that Easton's neighbourhood police have two recipes for resolving this dilemma and its associated conundrum.

Her brief from the state there was to resolve the dilemma .

In resolving the many dilemmas of structure, solutions may only be temporary.

In practice settings, those involved are often struggling to find ways of resolving the dilemmas they face.

An argument with a colleague clarified and resolved the dilemma .

I have never completely resolved my own dilemma , for I do not think it has a simple resolution.


I am so pleased that we have solved the dilemma and we can feel morally superior!

Low-performing enterprises solve this dilemma by ignoring or denying potential qualitative costs.

The students say they've put forward new ideas which could solve the dilemma .

No mere textual reading or logical talisman can solve the dilemma .

Oh, it brings plenty of its own unique disappointment and despair, but nothing to solve the dilemma of today.


be on the horns of a dilemma

Stirling, who had come direct from Eighth Army Headquarters, was on the horns of a dilemma.


It is a common dilemma : Should you stay where you have friends and family, or take that good job in a far-away city?

Many single parents struggle with the dilemma of dividing time between work and children.

With a child on each opposing team, Dad was faced with a dilemma : which supporters should he sit with?

Writers are debating the ethical dilemma raised by the parents who did not want their Siamese twins separated.


Another unforeseen dilemma which now surfaced was how to satisfy the demands of the new customers for winter-weight, or seasonal clothes.

But last week's global stock market slump underscores the cartel's dilemma .

I explained the dilemma to a friend.

Peace campaigners in the 1980s, and animal-rights and environmental groups in the 1990s, faced this dilemma .

Snipes gives a brilliant performance as a man caught in a moral dilemma .

The first dilemma has been discussed: the managers gradually learned that their subordinates varied extensively in skill and motivation.

This happens when the employee learns to escape the personal dilemma temporarily by devoting more effort to his or her job.

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