I have a cynical notion that all religious revivals spawn from times of extreme economic disparity .
Housing and schools remain segregated and unequal. Economic disparities grow ever greater and more intractable.
I suggested that that economic disparity might be the link to all evangelical movements.
And while many blacks have prospered financially, recent years in particular have brought heightened economic disparities within the black community.
Bands lack formal leaders, so there are no marked economic differences or disparities in status among their members.
In this sense, economic disparity overrides political equality in the information sphere; the marketplace of ideas has grown severely skewed.
In such a place, illusion rivals economic disparity as an enemy to peace.
The great disparity between home and away form last year was more of a freak than either aspect taken alone.
So you do get a great disparity in numbers, which is not necessarily indicative of any kind of setup.
In addition the government would be more able to pursue policies designed to rescue collapsing firms and to reduce regional disparities of income.
It was felt at the time that regional disparities would inhibit commitment by member states to such integration.
Indeed it is possible to imagine circumstances in which not only are regional disparities not reduced, but they are further extended.
They also have to work within the context of regional disparities .
A similar wide disparity in liturgical practice was evident during these decades.
At present, wide disparities remain among different network operators in terms of both efficiency and pricing.
Academic libraries Meaningful standards for academic libraries are particularly difficult to devise, because of the wide disparity of existing libraries.
Still, there is an immense income disparity between the largest cities, Jakarta and Soerabaya, and rural areas.
In addition the government would be more able to pursue policies designed to rescue collapsing firms and to reduce regional disparities of income.
It is not easy to explain the disparity that still exists between the salaries of men and women.
the disparity in wealth between the highest and the lowest employees
The economic disparity between the area's black and white citizens is a serious problem.
At present, wide disparities remain among different network operators in terms of both efficiency and pricing.
It is a method that assures perpetuation of disparities in power and of inequities in every form of day-to-day existence.
Other figures filed Friday were also interesting because of the disparity between player and team.
The disparities in the rates of unemployment between socio-economic groups widen during periods of high unemployment.
The net impact of the cuts, they conclude, has been to widen disparities in economic well-being.
These disparities are matters of concern.
This is not surprising, for there is little reason for disparity .
We may call this a disparity of structure, as opposed to Bach's, which could be termed a referential disparity.