Meaning of DOORSTEP in English





Too often, he says, we only recognise an opportunity when it arrives back on our doorstep as an import.

Paul, much less consulting him as to where to live, she simply literally arrived on his doorstep .

Sometimes they are not even informed that the waste is hazardous before it arrives on their doorstep .

One problem is the constant flow of visitors who arrive unannounced on my doorstep .

Telephone? Arrive on the doorstep ?


Elaine could have left you on a doorstep , wrapped in a tea-towel.

Occasionally, a baby is left on our doorstep .

She has five hedgehogs hibernating in mounds of leaves and a kestrel which was left on her doorstep with a damaged foot.

It just gets left on the doorstep with the milk, doesn't it.


He sat on his own doorstep and tried to think what to do.

She sat on the kitchen doorstep , knees wide apart, frowning.

Father worn out from the beating he had administered, sat on the doorstep smoking his pipe.

I was smoking a pipe, sat down on a doorstep .

Uncle Henry sat upon the doorstep and looked anxiously at the sky, which was even greyer than usual.


I stood there on my doorstep with him, and I actually considered it.

The owner was standing on the doorstep and observing my predicament with satisfaction.

Lord Lane said: Oppression does not stand on the doorstep with a toothbrush moustache and a swastika armband.

I stood on the doorstep alone, pressing my lids together, breathing in, breathing out.

I stood on her doorstep and started hooting with laughter.

Detective Sergeant Maxham was standing on the doorstep .

I was touched when my dad told me that every night he stood on the back doorstep and said goodnight to John.


Landladies had mysteriously found tenants in the few minutes between a telephone inquiry and one's turning up on the doorstep .

My guess is you turned up on the doorstep during business hours with some papers for Marty to sign.

That is being done, so many people may turn up on our doorsteps not with their tanks but with their suitcases.

The phone kept ringing and no one there, and then he turned up on the doorstep .

Indeed, the governments of the region seem quite ungrateful when the well-meaning secretary of state turns up on their doorsteps .


A cat sat patiently on the doorstep .


A dark and lovely young woman smiled at her from the doorstep .

But it wasn't funny this morning when the police arrived on the doorstep .

He just felt it was easier to step across the state line and have people groveling at your doorstep .

His father buried the membrane beneath the doorstep .

She stood paralysed for several moments on Giles Carnaby's doorstep .

Then there is its well preserved old quarter, and on the doorstep a romantic, well wooded and castle-adorned countryside.

They say I had the vanity to go down to Croisset and make an embarrassing scene on his doorstep .

Thomas Hewett was off duty and having a quiet glass of stout and a chinwag on his front doorstep .

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