The dorsal arm plates are roundly hexagonal and contiguous proximally.
The dorsal arm plates are bell shaped or triangular with a convex distal edge and are separated.
The dorsal arm plates are bell shaped sometimes with a distinct lobe on the distal edge, and contiguous.
The dorsal arm plates are fan shaped and separated.
The dorsal arm plates are slightly bell shaped or fan shaped, they approach but are not quite contiguous.
The dorsal arm plates are fan to bell shaped not contiguous sometimes with a finely rugose distal edge.
The trigger, which gives the fish its name, is the leading ray of its dorsal fin which has become bony.
There is nothing clown-like at all about a pale pink fish with a light stripe along the base of the dorsal fin .
The dorsal fin is like a yacht sail; tall and similarly shaped.
Soon, however, many are projecting their dorsal fins high out of the water and are confidently pecking at their food.
New fibreglass wing tips and dorsal fin additions were attached.
The blennies have a single dorsal fin , which may be almost, but not completely, divided by a deep notch.
This is the mark in the water caused by the fish's dorsal fin .
However it is easily identified by the large black blotch that covers a large proportion of its upper body and dorsal fin .
With the viral reactivation, inflammatory changes occur in dorsal root ganglia and nerve roots.
The ventral interradial areas are covered by plates and granules like those of the dorsal side .
The dorsal side of the blades of specimens having green leaves is usually lighter, yellow-green.
The ventral interradial areas are also covered with spinelets which are more nearly granular than those of the dorsal side .
In species with variegated leaves the dorsal side is olive brown, light to dark red or deep purple.
The ventral interradial areas have similar armament to the dorsal side .
The arms are covered with skin which obscures the dorsal side of the arm.
The ventral interradial area is covered by similar spinelets to the dorsal side .
The ventral interradial areas are covered with large plates like those of the dorsal surface , spinelets may be present.
Young specimens of this species have an orange-red coloration on the dorsal surface .
We studied the healing of a standardized lesion on the dorsal surface of a four-day chick embryonic wing bud.
The ventral interradial areas are covered by scales like those of the dorsal surface but the rod-like spinelets are usually smaller.
There are simple spinelets scattered over the dorsal surface of the disk although they are often rubbed off in preserved specimens.
The ventral interradial areas are covered by plates similar to those on the dorsal surface .
The dorsal arm plates are fan shaped to rounded triangular and contiguous proximally.
The caudal fin is yellow-brown, and the dorsal spine and long snout are orange.
The trigger, which gives the fish its name, is the leading ray of its dorsal fin which has become bony.
The ventral interradial areas are covered by scales like those of the dorsal surface but the rod-like spinelets are usually smaller.
There is nothing clown-like at all about a pale pink fish with a light stripe along the base of the dorsal fin.