A party of revellers in black and red velvet doublets and hose ran down the arcade, showering everyone with confetti.
Benjamin insisted that we shave, wash and change our linen and doublets before going down to the hall.
He was a wealthy man these days, and dressed in doublet and hose with a gold chain round his neck.
The doublet of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin are simple in form.
The high velvet shoulder of his doublet smelt musty as though it had been lying in a trunk for centuries.
The one at lower energy is a sharp doublet with essentially no progression, just one pair of weak satellites.
Thus each double helix becomes two double helices, with the two new doublets remaining joined at the centromere.
You know the type, with their tight hose, protruding codpieces, puffed doublets and short cloaks.