Meaning of DRAY in English



A big dray horse might be suited to haul a coal wagon, a more delicate saddle horse to recreational riding.

Eighteen months and he was looking out again for blossoms only this time he did the looking on a dray .

Later that morning the trunks arrived by dray , and she spent the rest of the day unpacking.

She had found it in the dray horses and in Barney, who was a singularly unimpressive animal except for his listening skills.

They came on foot, by river steamer and in horse-drawn omnibuses and drays.

They still use the horse and dray , which he remembers going out on when he was a boy.

Two former dray tractors with the appropriate black and gold livery will move the roadshow around the country.

Would you mount the dray for a ride in the country, or hitch a saddle horse to a heavy wagon?

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