Meaning of DRESSED in English



be dressed in … clothes

The man was dressed in ordinary clothes.

casually dressed

a casually dressed young man

dressed warmly

Make sure that the children are dressed warmly.

fully dressed

She collapsed fully dressed on the bed.




Its smartly dressed citizens go about their business as if nothing was happening.

When I looked up I saw it was coming from two smartly dressed men on the long bench-seat opposite.

Robed choirs are in decline in New Zealand, although smartly dressed secular choirs are to be seen on television.

Then, in January 1946, a smartly dressed young Guards officer arrived at the camp with orders to see the Colonel.

A prophecy was given which pictured a smartly dressed young man in a zip-up leather jacket.

The foyer was crowded but it was true that there was not a smartly dressed woman in sight.



Croydon Corporation were insisting on specially dressed stone setts.

Its earliest parts were built of large cobbles and later additions in small stones , very early brickwork and dressed stone.


An elegantly dressed man and an elegantly dressed woman were sitting opposite each other.

Outside the gates, too, he could see some respectably dressed women .

The foyer was crowded but it was true that there was not a smartly dressed woman in sight.


mutton dressed as lamb

suitably dressed/prepared/equipped etc

But one must be suitably dressed for a country visit and I had absolutely nothing fit to wear.

They, too, regardless of the loss of their leader, were intent on being suitably dressed for Bank Holiday.


And let me explain what I meant by that silly passage in my last letter, about expensively dressed girls.

How, for example, should one handle the dressed fleas and their garments in terms of a computer record?

I got dressed and they got slightly worse.

She is all style, all form, all impeccably dressed dandy and wit, with never a tear out of place.

She was paralysed, couldn't focus, knew that Gran couldn't hurry herself getting dressed and needed help.

The humiliation of standing beside a woman who smelt, dressed and looked absolutely wonderful was doing little for her ego.

The pavements are packed to overflowing with spectators and yet more immaculately dressed clown children.

While waiting they are pleasantly confronted by what must be one of the prettiest and best dressed greengrocers in the country.

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