Meaning of DRUMMER in English





The Beatles track was the first to feature new drummer Simon Smith.

Guitarist Parks was replaced by keyboard player Steve Gurl, while yet another new drummer was recruited-Andy Ebsworth.

The others, including the new drummer , had come to pick Keith up for a practice while I was there.


But he had always had a wish to join the Army, and at sixteen he enlisted as a drummer boy.

But Perot marches to his own drummer .

Guitarist Parks was replaced by keyboard player Steve Gurl, while yet another new drummer was recruited-Andy Ebsworth.

Pete La Roca Sims demonstrated what it took, years ago, to be a great drummer , which he was.

She did considerable freelance work while establishing her trio, eventually playing regularly with drummer Steve Davis and several excellent bassists.

The three other blokes are Noel, a guitarist, Mike, a bassist and Fergal, a drummer .

The tiny drummer Zachary is 11, singer Taylor is 13 and guitarist Isaac is 16.

Voice over Fire Noise was formed a year ago; a few jugglers and drummers got together.

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