Meaning of DULCIMER in English



A modern dulcimer is more like the lower one in the photograph, with a double first string.

And he had no idea what a dulcimer sounded like anyway.

Anderson shares the bill with Justina & Joyce, famed for their lush vocal harmonies accompanied by guitar and lap dulcimer .

Coleridge's inability to explain the dome leads him to try and carry the damsel with a dulcimer .

One of the KLEZmer special instruments was the hammered dulcimer , known as a TSIMbal.

Soundposts are an important feature of bowed instruments but are unsuitable for plucked instruments and will deaden the sound of a dulcimer .

The solo dulcimer player, Eugene Gladkov, is clearly a virtuoso of the first order.

The thickness would suit a guitar but are unnecessarily heavy for a dulcimer less than half its width.

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