Meaning of EAVES in English



Another leak stopper is a strip of rubberized material laid on the roof at the eaves .

Every house seemed to have at least one, sometimes several, of the distinctive mud-baked nests under its eaves .

Grass was growing inside it, and hornets, birds, and spiders were living in the eaves .

It grew quickly, putting six fairly large eaves on the water surface - but the Kissers ignored them.

Outside, bigger, rougher rocks were piled up to the eaves , with scant little chinks left for doorways and windows.

The technical skill of the house martin enables it to construct gravity-defying mud nests beneath the eaves of houses.

Thousands of them have set up home in the eaves of this house in Banbury.

Window eaves and roof gutters curve in organic efficiency rather than follow a mechanical right angle.

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