Meaning of EFFLUENT in English





In a report on marine pollution, the organization states that 12,000 pipes have been licensed to discharge industrial effluent .

Or would he perhaps look upon a clear mountain stream and complain about the absence of raw sewage or Industrial effluents ?

And in London, they dumped barrels of industrial effluent at the Environment Department.

Rivers in this area are mainly comprised of domestic and industrial effluent , and many have been fishless in living memory.

Although we tend to think of industrial effluent , sewage is a more important source of pollution.



In a report on marine pollution, the organization states that 12,000 pipes have been licensed to discharge industrial effluent .

It would run to a point directly behind the Falls and discharge its effluent into the cataract itself.

Dioxins from the process may be discharged in factory effluent and some traces remain in the paper goods themselves.

The company makes a wide range of bathroom ware and discharges its effluent into a fishless urban stream.


A large number of works with low effluent quality do not face prosecution.

A steel factory eats the effluent of an iron-mining machine.

Or would he perhaps look upon a clear mountain stream and complain about the absence of raw sewage or Industrial effluents?

Sugar-cane leftovers in fields, and by-products and effluent of the sugar-cane industry contain nutrients, essential aminoacids, and salts.

The po solution is to move the factory upstream of itself so that its effluent is drawn into its intake.

The regular waste dischargers have taken care of their effluent .

Though traps can cope with a wider range of exhaust effluent , they're more expensive and hard to maintain satisfactorily.

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