The modern welfare state is interested not so much in relieving poverty as redistributing income to achieve a more egalitarian distribution.
A cycling population would be fitter, healthier and more egalitarian than one reliant on privileged personal access to a car.
Clearly the egalitarian society remains a dream.
What happens in a modern, relatively egalitarian society ?
The chapter began by posing the possibility of an egalitarian society , a society without social inequality.
Something which is particularly curious is that increased government expenditure has not produced the egalitarian society which was intended.
Many different arguments or blueprints for a sexually egalitarian society can be, and have been, constructed on this basis.
Inequality in kibbutzim Despite these arrangements designed to create an egalitarian society , social inequality exists in the kibbutzim.
Simply because the egalitarian society has yet to become a reality does not mean that it is not possible.
Clearly the egalitarian society remains a dream.
Humanist psychology's familiarity to egalitarian feminist psychologists makes the division between humanist egalitarian, and woman-centred, theories difficult to draw.
It is a network for the elite, yet it is very egalitarian .
The differences between it, and traditional and egalitarian feminist approaches, are not as big as they look.
The principal feminist challenge to psychology's predominantly male subjects and masculine subject matter is, again, an egalitarian one.
These innumerable scraps of land were the beginning of egalitarian ownership on a Lilliputian scale.
What the thirsty seekers who crowded into the mission on Azusa Street found was not just a new and radically egalitarian spirituality.