Funnily enough, it was one of my nephews brought him the message - Josh's eldest boy , Jimmy.
My eldest brother , Joe, used to take correspondence courses, so one lived in an environment of self-improvement.
Her eldest brother thought of nothing but the day when he'd have the farm and be able to marry his sweetheart.
Do you remember Will, my eldest brother ?
At the end of a year Gabriel went to visit the eldest brother .
She says they once belonged to her eldest brother .
It was her third eldest brother John of Cawdor who entered.
He renounced his apprenticeship in 1858 and resolved to follow his eldest brother into the ranks of the Geological Survey.
The eldest child carried in her arms a baby in long clothes.
On February 11, 1988, their eldest child , Nicky, died in a motorcycle accident.
He was the eldest child in his family.
Nellie, the eldest child and closest to John, married an aspiring theatrical agent and manager, Percy Rimmer.
He appears to have been the eldest child , with at least one brother, William.
In the years that followed, Mary's eldest daughter went to Bible college to train for the mission field.
He had to pay when his eldest daughter was married. 4.
Grimsdale's eldest daughter cleaned the room briefly with a broom and the rest of the children scurried about the house.
Their eldest daughter , Elizabeth, 15, tried to commit suicide.
One of Chelsea's star players, David Webb, was godfather to the couple's eldest daughter , Emma.
In 1874 he married Lelia, eldest daughter of Leon Serena of Venice.
The bed is a copy of one of a pair that Lutyens designed for his own eldest daughters .
Laura's relationship with her eldest daughter was less straight forward.
The only child left now was the eldest girl , still locked in the bathroom upstairs.
Obviously the eldest girl had been shopping: the folding pushchair had a shelf under the seat lumped high with plastic bags.
That of the eldest girl , Anne, was granted to Geoffrey Middleton, the head of a Lonsdale family.
Ward, the eldest sister marries Mr. Norris.
When Jesse died, Delbert was four years old and his eldest sister was twenty-one.
I am particularly close to my eldest sister who is twenty years my senior-also to my mum.
This made the youngest afraid, but her eldest sister again silenced her.
He was the eldest son of my father's eldest sister , Bessie.
My eldest sister , Jennifer Sung-ah, was fifteen.
More like Nancy's dumplings, said Alfred, and received a bash from his eldest sister for being personal.
While she respected Jane, the sensible member of the foursome, she hero-worshipped her eldest sister .
If our eldest son is awake then he may come down and have breakfast with us.
The rivalry led to the murder of Clodomir, her eldest son .
Ernst August and Sophia had six sons and one daughter; their eldest son George was born in 1660.
David C.. Bolles, eldest son of Don Bolles, helped her lay a wreath at the foot of the monument.
This was done upon the eldest son attaining the age of 21 years.
If only his eldest sons wouldn't smoke.
He was the eldest son , his two brothers having been killed in the Great War.
I shared a bedroom with my eldest sister.
Rosie was the eldest of our four daughters.
Their eldest son, Howard, is an administrator at Castle Park High School.
A week later villagers found the corpse of his eldest daughter, 12, by the creek.
It implied, first, primogeniture amongst males, i.e. inheritance by the eldest son, if there was one.
The couple's eldest son lived for only a few hours.
The last time she told the story she liked to tell about the eldest was when Carla got married.
When Jesse died, Delbert was four years old and his eldest sister was twenty-one.