Meaning of EMPEROR in English





But the Byzantine emperors were themselves no more trusting and would generally keep their foreign envoys in virtual isolation.


In 1152, the first plan was revealed by the new emperor .

The new emperor seems a shy, quiet man, an intellectual.

The move may have been connected with the fact that the new emperor , Julius Nepos, was an eastern appointment.

He was dying for a long time, then there was a year of mourning, now we have a new emperor .

He explains that the whole calendar changes with a new emperor .


Hadrian Road was named after the Roman emperor who, we agreed, must have genetically bequeathed to us some superlative qualities.

A number of the Roman emperors were great patrons of building and endorsed and encouraged extensive schemes of architectural development.

The deposition of Nepos and then that of Romulus Augustulus in 476 saw the end of the line of western Roman emperors .

Atop their pillars round the Sheldonian Theatre, the busts of Roman emperors cast classically guarded looks at his retreating figure.

He left with the boy's quilt across his shoulder, swaggering like a Roman emperor .

He ought to be jolly, but in fact he's a bully, pettish, pampered like a Roman emperor .

Anyone entering the shrine committed the insult of literally stepping on the head of the Roman emperor .



One day I shall be married, to another Charles, who will become an emperor .

In 962, Otto became emperor of Rome.

You can't say that your reason for taking some one's life is because they might change if they become emperor .


Clothes, the emperor thought, made him what he was.

He seemed to thrive under prison conditions, which caused the emperors to suspect their guards of going easy on the prisoner.

He was dying for a long time, then there was a year of mourning, now we have a new emperor .

In retaliation, the emperor gathered fifty pagan scholars, then challenged her to a religious debate.

It is no wonder that the emperor thought Albrecht Wallenstein a threat.

The emperor , in particular, needed coronation.

The coexistence in Francia of Louis and Lothar as co- emperors was possible so long as Lothar remained unmarried.

There was never any question of dispensing with the services of an emperor .

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