Meaning of ENROLMENT in English





Judgements about the comparative quality of schools are a consequence of open enrolment and need good management.

The significance of these comparatively simple provisions on open enrolment should not be overlooked.

This is the reform of admissions policies and the introduction of open enrolment .

Other measures include teacher appraisal, the National Curriculum, open enrolment , standardised assessment tasks.

Some aspects of open enrolment go back to the 1980 Education Act.



The extension was completed at a cost of more than £3m to cope with school enrolment of 540 pupils.

Now the bank expresses surprise that school enrolment is down from 80 % to 66 %.

These improved rates have been brought about by increasing school enrolment .


Enrolment forms are preprinted for most students before enrolment each autumn.

Accepted students will be informed in admission letters of the amount required, which is payable on enrolment .

By this time, all provinces except Zambezia had at least 40 percent female enrolment .

Estimates of total enrolment vary, but it seems unlikely that there were less than 100,000 Sunday school pupils by 1800.

I have tried to give an indication of the very varied actual pattern of enrolment in schools.

It is the student's responsibility to arrange for payment in full on or before enrolment .

Students are actively involved prior to enrolment .

The significance of these comparatively simple provisions on open enrolment should not be overlooked.

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