an enthusiastic audience
They drew enthusiastic audiences at Europe's biggest rock festival.
an enthusiastic response
There has been an enthusiastic response to the introduction of soccer coaching for girls.
an enthusiastic/keen supporter
Eisenhower had been an enthusiastic supporter of the regime.
an enthusiastic/rapturous/rousing reception (= in which people show a lot of approval in a noisy way )
She received an enthusiastic reception.
rapturous/enthusiastic applause
He left the stage to rapturous applause.
whole-hearted/enthusiastic support
I want you to know that you have my whole-hearted support.
Having said all that, I am afraid that I can not be as enthusiastic about the Bill as I should like.
They are not as enthusiastic about budget-balancing as about providing services and a safety net.
I doubt very much if Prêtre's disc is likely to attract as enthusiastic a following as any of the above.
But the truth is that men are as enthusiastic about romance as women are.
But they are unlikely to be as enthusiastic as those who are in employment.
Her parents were not as enthusiastic .
But this is all quite new and it does not follow that previous generations of advertisers were as enthusiastic about sport.
He sounded as enthusiastic as I might have been if talking about paving stones in Manchester.
I was enthusiastic about Rachel Whiteread last year and am equally enthusiastic about Alison Wilding this year.
Like her husband, Anne is equally enthusiastic about Derry.
The rest of the cast is equally enthusiastic in this exuberant production.
Both are equally enthusiastic for subsidies.
Central and Fife are understood to be less enthusiastic but agreed to support the idea.
But the tone of his response suggested he was less enthusiastic about Amelio than most Apple watchers.
Truman was initially less enthusiastic over the appointment owing to criticisms expressed by Dulles in the previous campaign in New York state.
But voices in the Pentagon and in Congress are likely to be far less enthusiastic .
In contrast, some contemporary clinicians who have discussed the topic have been much less enthusiastic about connecting creativity to psychosis.
Emily is less enthusiastic about her other direct antecedents.
I daren't drop him in, just in case he became a little less enthusiastic .
The ice is thick and he is a good deal less enthusiastic when the tip breaks through.
Stanyer sets a high standard, but the response from practitioners was scarcely more enthusiastic .
By all accounts, a more enthusiastic student would have been difficult to find.
This leads to more efficient, effective working and more enthusiastic participation so that tasks are completed and objectives are reached. 8.
Maybe even more enthusiastic , because studies say women are more likely to temper their passion with practical concerns.
Charger sales took off after the film was released, and Chrysler became more enthusiastic about supplying cars to Warner Brothers.
Beneath the headquarters level, the reception was more enthusiastic .
With each day that passed she became more deeply involved and more enthusiastic about what she was doing.
They diplomatically pronounced the meal delicious and waxed even more enthusiastic about the promised factory and the prospects for their community.
It had kept all but the most enthusiastic golf addicts indoors.
Some of the most enthusiastic business partners have come from high-tech industries.
But this is the first time they have attacked by the very people supposed to be the most enthusiastic about them.
However, after the initial excitement, everyone even the most enthusiastic couple will have all sorts of questions.
Those with the most partners are also the most enthusiastic masturbators.
These were among our most enthusiastic and responsive students, and a minority of them proved exceptionally capable.
I do not recall that that was always his keenest and most enthusiastic point.
The governors have power and responsibility, with just a little encouragement they can also become a most enthusiastic supporters club.
She had never been particularly enthusiastic about her job as interior designer.
They were so enthusiastic for these that its pupils regularly walked off with all the trophies on sports days.
He started collecting cereal boxes five years ago and is so enthusiastic about it that he advertises on the Internet for boxes.
Not all his co-religionists were so enthusiastic .
Pipkins was so enthusiastic that she persuaded 15 friends and colleagues to go with her.
I don't know how I became so enthusiastic !
I didn't say anything, because Graham was so enthusiastic , but I couldn't see it.
Ron was so enthusiastic for young athletes to do well.
The real danger lies in a too enthusiastic recording of very doubtful features as marine terraces.
The Karimojong happily accepted these unexpected free gifts but have not been too enthusiastic about development projects introduced after the famine.
Isaac Leigh was too enthusiastic about his varieties.
You are too enthusiastic about Gorbachev and his reforms for my tastes.
They also acquired a very enthusiastic Deputy Headmaster who was very, very keen as far as I remember.
Cadence owner Archie Bleyer, however, was not very enthusiastic about the demo of this raw and primitive instrumental.
Most students, as we have already seen, were very enthusiastic about physics.
Does he like you to be laid-back with him or very focused on him and very enthusiastic ?
I am very enthusiastic about the project.
Angie was great because she was always very enthusiastic .
You don't sound very enthusiastic .
Some climbers are very enthusiastic about the new proposal, recognising that the current system needs revising and bringing up to date.
Many were overawed by the occasion though, with one of the Highland entrants taking exception to the crowd's enthusiastic applause .
They had been stimulated as well as gratified, and their enthusiastic applause showed it.
According to the report from Munich, enthusiastic applause broke forth at the scene from Hitler's Reichstag speech.
Rossi joined in the enthusiastic applause which rippled around the tables.
Warm-up man Daley Pike works the enthusiastic crowd , carefully testing the good humour of various individuals.
Visitors started remarking favorably on what that enthusiastic crowd at Zweibrticken was doing to catch up with the existing wings.
I like the Ivo van Damme with its powerful floodlights and big, enthusiastic crowd .
Dole drew large, enthusiastic crowds Monday here and in Toms River.
Every song received a warm response from an attentive and enthusiastic crowd .
But even as he continues to turn out enthusiastic crowds , surveys show Buchanan is losing some of his base to Dole.
Horses like Milton show the sport at it s finest - creating wildly enthusiastic crowds and media attention of the right kind.
An enthusiastic crowd awaits the next photographic shoot sponsored by Kodak.
He is an enthusiastic member of Chichester Water Ski Club, and regularly takes part in competitions.
The Yoido Full Gospel Church is still growing and its enthusiastic members insist they will top a million by the year 2000.
The enthusiastic reception of the illuminated cars was such that any future occasion was bound to be graced by their presence.
Changing market conditions will have slimmed that list, but the gallery can count upon an enthusiastic response from its collectors.
When the longer breaks were implemented, the change was met with an enthusiastic response from both workers and observers.
With no-one wishing to appear insensitive or dull-witted the audience gives an enthusiastic response , thereby upsetting Nero.
Except, of course, for a less-than-enthusiastic response from the car phone industry.
Classes or discussion groups on women's writing command an enthusiastic response that is often lacking in mainstream teaching.
In those instances Paul had in no way forgotten the ordinary politeness of an enthusiastic response .
But his first probes to local schools met with an enthusiastic response .
This week-end event continues to excite enthusiastic support , demonstrating the strength of community life which exists in Kidlington.
Gilmore won the enthusiastic support of religious-right voters because of his views on abortion.
The plan has the enthusiastic support of local councillors, who believe it will bring tourism and industry to the area.
It sailed through Congress with the enthusiastic support of its new small business contingent and was signed into law by President Clinton.
His foreboding quickly turned to enthusiastic support when he saw her in action.
The dimensions of her achievement are still not understood, even by the conservative publications that gave her their moderately enthusiastic support .
In this, they did need the enthusiastic support of the chairperson.
Judging from the encouragement received and interest shown, there is enthusiastic support for the idea.
However, he later recognised John Baskerville's genius and became his enthusiastic supporter .
The governors have power and responsibility, with just a little encouragement they can also become a most enthusiastic supporters club.
Her predecessor, Karl-Heinz Funke, was himself a farmer and an enthusiastic supporter of intensive agricultural methods.
Gary has had an interest in nature since childhood and is an enthusiastic supporter of conservation and environmental issues.
One enthusiastic supporter more than a century ago offered to go without pudding for a year to raise much-needed funds.
Harwell's director, Sir John Cockcroft, was an enthusiastic supporter of fusion research.
The proposal received an enthusiastic welcome from the smaller political parties allied with Labour.
Their enthusiastic welcome brought a smile to her face for the first time that morning.
less than helpful/honest/enthusiastic etc
Although he did not reject a fact-finding mission outright, Major was clearly less than enthusiastic about the idea.
But in the same interview Mr Dole, as is his way, was a little less than helpful to the president.
But the way in which they are present may be less than helpful.
In this dilemma, Eliot was less than helpful to his apologists.
Not surprisingly, the reaction of local residents to the schemes was less than enthusiastic.
The refugees are naturally less than enthusiastic about this.
Those who had known him from that earlier period, however, were less than enthusiastic about his elevation.
A small but enthusiastic crowd cheered as the players ran onto the field.
He's still really enthusiastic about his new job.
Several enthusiastic young teachers have just started working at the school.
There is enthusiastic support for a new high school.
But reports from the mountain suggest that some recent Everest aspirants were little more than enthusiastic beginners.
Hart is an amiable and enthusiastic guide, if a little corny at times.
In this they had the enthusiastic collaboration of professional media advance teams from both governments.
Reviews were enthusiastic , though sales were poor.
Sixty-five percent of wives were happy to attend in their husbands' place with the remainder not enthusiastic .
The idea may sound strange at first, but it often works very well, and the co-counselling movement has many enthusiastic adherents.
They were very supportive and enthusiastic .
This week-end event continues to excite enthusiastic support, demonstrating the strength of community life which exists in Kidlington.